P&C News 

P&C News 

A big thank you to the lovely volunteers who helped make the Mothers Day Stall a success this week. We hope all the special people in our lives have a wonderful day on Sunday. 


Have you heard about the Trivia Night? In case you weren’t able to grab a ticket, the celebratory online raffle is now live and has 5 huge prizes to be won! Open to our whole school community, friends and family. Please visit this link for your chance to win.  We are fundraising for a new playground. 




 A huge thanks to the amazing people and businesses which donated for the online raffle AND the raffles which will be available on the night.


PRD Real Estate 

Laura Gerber MP 

The Skelton Family 

Kellie North Artwork 

The Busser Family (Hijsen Specialised Crane and Access) 


Also, a very special mention to the Blane family who have donated on behalf of their business ‘Southern Seas Marine’ with $500 worth of various vouchers. These vouchers are included in our hampers to be won at the Trivia Night. We have been blown away by kindness, generosity and support.   


Spellathon Wrap Up 

Well done to all the children for their spelling last week. This week, all sponsorship dollars or donations must be loaded on Qkr! by Friday 10 May. 


Please visit ClassDojo to see our Chappy Steph in action and her beautiful presence in our school via a video link. All funds raised from the spellathon will go towards keeping this going.   


Our P&C Meeting is tomorrow! Friday 10 May, 9am Library. Please join us as we talk about the next few months of planning. Younger siblings are very welcome. We look forward to seeing you.



The P&C Executive Team