The Tally Way

The Tally Way focus this week is learning to show gratitude. 


At school we encourage the students to show gratitude by acknowledging the positive aspects of their life. The students take time to reflect and appreciate all of the good things in their life. This week we looked at showing gratitude for our mothers or significant adult figure in our lives for all that they do for us. Students were able to come down at lunchtime and write down a positive note and stick it to the Tally Way sign. We can also practise this at home by taking time (around the dinner table is a good opportunity) to be thankful for all that we have in our life. 


Wellbeing Wednesday


Wellbeing Wednesday is in full swing and our captains have done a great job of facilitating this program. This program allows the senior students to build and foster positive relationships with the younger students. It also gives our captains a chance to talk about the fortnightly Tally Way focus and how it relates to their life. Last week the captains played run fun games in the hall and this week they organised a lunchtime pop up disco and an opportunity for students to come down and write something nice to their mother or significant other, which was a perfect way to show gratitude. 



Yours in HPE & Wellbeing

Craig Marais