News and Notices 

Mother’s Day  


Wishing all mothers and caregivers a very Happy Mother’s Day for Sunday!   


At this time, we reflect with gratitude on all the incredible women who are part of our school community and their positive contributions as role models and in support of our young people.  


Thank you to our P&C and volunteers for running our annual Mother’s Day stall!  Our students enjoy the experience of selecting a gift for a special person in their lives as a gesture of appreciation and love.   



Active School Travel  


Last Friday, we enjoyed our termly Active School Travel breakfast.  It was wonderful to see many children and their families join this event by walking or riding to school. 


Thanks to very strong community and staff support, we are able to offer a lovely spread for breakfast, prizes for participating students and free raffles for parents, carers and children.  We are grateful to: 

  • The Lions Club Tallebudgera Volunteers - The makers of the best toast in the Universe. 
  • 19th Avenue Woolworths - for the very generous and regular donations of fresh fruit. 
  • Bakers Delight - for donating the bread for the best toast in the Universe. 
  • Team Tally - many staff volunteer their time and start at 6:30am to prepare for this event and work throughout.  Our Active School Travel Committee meet regularly to work on our participation in the Active School Travel program, that aims to reduce congestion in school zones and promotes exercise. 
  • The City of Gold Coast for including us in the Active School Travel program and associated assistance. 




We asked to take a photo last week when we noticed this wonderful group of volunteers helping at our tuckshop.  Thank you to all our volunteers!  The generosity of time given by volunteers makes a big difference. 



Shine Festival 


Our Shine Festival was the 'Rain or Shine' Festival this week.  Despite some showers, our students still shone through their choir, strings and band performances.  Thank you to parents and caregivers who attended and Bonnie Hapi, Reuben McLean and Mark Slingsby for teaching our groups. 



P&C Day  


We love our P&C!  They are energetic, dynamic, positive and play an important role in enhancing our school and community.  They have and continue to create a legacy of improved school facilities, opportunities for students and community connection. 


This term alone their work has included: organising and running the Mother's Day Stall, supporting the Spellathon to raise much needed funds for Chaplaincy, writing a significant grant application, offering a Trivia night for parents and caregivers, donating to our school towards facility enhancements and organising events later in the year such as the Disco and Run for Fun Colour Explosion. 


We are looking forward to marking P&C Day this week with a morning tea.  



Pyjama Day 


Next Thursday (16/05/24) is Pyjama Day. This event is for the enjoyment and wellbeing of our students (and staff) and we refer to it as a FUNraiser.  Details have been communicated to parents and carers on ClassDojo.  





The plants within Guramala are maturing beautifully.  This outdoor learning space, supports our teaching and learning of First Nations knowledge and culture. 


Guramala was opened last year and is a major project supported by our P&C and school community. 



Prep 2025 


If you haven’t already submitted your child’s enrolment paperwork for Prep next year, please do this as soon as possible, so that you can be added to the invitation list for important Pre-Prep events this year. 


Our Talk this Way - Foundations and Friendships sessions are underway and are designed to give parents and carers practical ideas about how they can help their child develop their early literacy skills. 


Enrolment packs can be collected from our office.