Whole School News

District Swimming

The Heidelberg District Sports Association Swimming Trials will be held on Monday 3 March at Northcote Aquatic Centre, from 9.30am – 12.30pm.  Children aged between 9 and 13 have the opportunity to compete at the trials in the following events....


- 50 metres freestyle

- 50 metres backstroke

- 50 metres breaststroke

- 50 metres butterfly


Please be aware that teachers will not be supervising this activity. Therefore, parents are responsible for transporting and supervising their own children on the day. 


Children are only allowed to participate in 2 events.  If you would like your child to compete, please complete the attached permission slip and return to the office by Monday 24 February. 


These slips are also available at the office for students to take home, or for parents to complete.


Kelli Zeally

Sports Coordinator



RPS Athletics Carnival (Grades 3-6 )

We have exciting news! This year, we will be hosting a Grade 3-6 Athletics Carnival on Friday 7th March, at the Willinda Park Athletics Track. This day will be used to select our athletics team to represent RPS at the District Athletics Day on Thursday 27th March.


To ensure the day is a success, we are seeking parent volunteers to assist with various roles throughout the event. All volunteers will need a Working with Children’s Card and need to complete 2025 school induction form. 


Please email kelli.zealley@education.vic.gov.au if you are able to assist.


Thank you for your support, and we look forward to a fantastic day of athletics!


SRI News

Special Religious Instruction (Christianity) classes will be offered again this year. Peter Warwick and I are sharing the classes and we’re looking forward to seeing the children we know again and hopefully meeting some new children as well. Unfortunately we won’t be joined by Andy May this year. After 15 years (yes, 15!!) he has decided to take a step back from volunteering, as work commitments increase. Peter and I have greatly valued Andy’s input and encouraging presence and we will miss him – I’m sure the children will too! Thank you Andy for all your service to Rosanna Primary.


Parent permission forms for SRI will be sent home with the eldest child in the family early next week, and are also available at the Office. Classes will be run weekly on Mondays after school from 3.45 – 4.15pm, and we aim to begin on Monday March 3rd. The sessions explore the beliefs and values of Christianity through stories from the Bible, with games and activities to help us think and make it fun. Our aim is to cater for all ages, Prep to Grade 6, with some time allocated for age appropriate discussion and activities. If anyone has any questions about the SRI program, please don’t hesitate to give me a call.


Cathie Clarke

SRI (Christianity) Team Leader

Ph: 9459 2278 or 0411 883 904



Rosanna Primary WhatsApp School Community


Some Rosanna Primary parents have a WhatsApp Community. This is a series of informal group chats on the WhatsApp app. The aim of the WhatsApp Community is to connect parents and carers; to form and strengthen relationships; and provide support to each other. We aim to provide a safe, welcoming and inclusive environment for all. We would like to invite you to join the group. There are class group chats for each year level, and special interest group chats for various topics. There are a lot of groups so please look for your child's class/year level group before you create a new group.


Please use the link or the QR code below, or you can message Jackie directly on WhatsApp on 0413 218 761.




These links and QR codes will be reset after 1 week to reduce spam. Let us know if you have any Qs.


Your admins are Jackie Arbuckle, Lee Adams, Vanessa Marrama, Neal Erenstrom.


This is a parent led initiative. It is not specifically endorsed by Rosanna Primary School, the School Council or FORPS.



Chicken Update


Hi Everyone


Welcome to the first chicken update for the year.


I would like to thank all parents who looked after the chickens so well over the summer holidays. The chickens were very spoilt with lots of veggie scraps and even frozen treats on hot days. 


We have a wonderful group of families who are rostered on to let the chickens out and put them away on weekends and during school holidays. For their efforts, they get to keep the eggs the chickens lay.


We are always looking for new families to join the roster, so if you love the chickens, and would like to help out, as well as get some free eggs, then please reach out to me. We have a WhatsApp community group dedicated to caring for the chickens, and I have created documents and videos which go through how to look after them. Please only join the WhatsApp group if you want to be added to the roster. I am also in the chicken coop every Friday afternoon as part of Garden Club, so please come and say Hi, and ask any Qs. 


The new roster will start in week 3 of term. The commitment is about once every 6 months and all you need to do is let them out of the coop in the morning and lock them back up at night for the weekend you are rostered on. Please message Jackie on 0413218761 (either text or whatsapp) if you are interested in finding out more.


If you dont want to commit to looking after them on a weekend, you can still help by feeding them. They love anything green: lettuce, spinach, beans, broccoli, cucumber. They love corn as well. They also really love weeds so if you do any weeding, then feel free to bring a box up for the chickens. You can throw weeds straight over the wooden fence for them. There is a list on the coop of foods they can and cant eat. The main thing is no potato or onion family.


Finally - I need bricks. I want to reinforce the back of the coop area to fox proof it further. If you have any bricks laying around at home (even if it is only a handful), I would be very grateful if you could bring them up to the garden area. You can leave them anywhere around the coop/garden and I will start my brick laying job :) You can see the side of the coop has bricks in the pic below.  This is what I want to do at the back, so I will need about 50 bricks.


PS - the other photo is hilarious. We thought it would make a great chicken album front cover. Perhaps their band is called Hen Zepplin, or Hen Folds 4. Thanks to Hollie Keating for taking this photo :)



Camps, Sports & Excursions Fund (CSEF)


Book Club - Issue 1


Magazines for Issue 1 of Book Club have been sent home.


Every purchase from the Scholastic Book Club not only gives your child wonderful educational resources at home, but also contributes to the school Library collection which benefits all of the school children. 


There are 4 ways to order: 


1. By credit card using LOOP, where you complete the book order and pay online – nothing needs to be sent back to school 


2. Credit card over the phone, you still need to complete an order form & return it to school with the 11-digit receipt number 


3. Cash (correct money) in an envelope with the completed order form 


4. Cheque (made payable to Scholastic Australia) with the completed order form 


Orders are due back to school by Friday 14 February, with delivery around one week later.