A note from Mr Jackson

Just a quick note to inform you that the first assembly when Prep students will be with us is scheduled for February 28 (the end of Week 5). We look forward to having them contribute.
Student Leadership Ceremony and Morning Tea
Friday 21 February 9:10am
We are excited to affirm our Student Junior School Council Representatives, Sustainability Leaders and senior Student Leadership Team in this important ceremony.
Our local state representative, Anthony Carbines, will be present to present students with their badges. Parents and carers of students who have been acknowledged are invited to meet for morning tea in Chandler Hall after the ceremony. Thanks to the FORPS team for hosting. Letters of invitation will be forwarded shortly. This early assembly will mean there is no assembly in the afternoon.
Working Bee Invitation
Saturday 1 March
Working Bees are valuable opportunities to maintain and upgrade elements of our playground. Without the support of families who clear drains, plant, blow the yard, paint and generally maintain our expansive grounds, our site would be left overgrown and unsafe.
Our Working Bee tends to be not only a tidy up time, but also a chance to get to know other families across the school. The gathering starts at 9:00am at the office where we complete a safety induction and then divide and conquer a range of tasks around the yard. We gather again at 12 noon for a BBQ before heading home.
Our first Working Bee each year is allocated to spreading softfall across the base of our three large playgrounds. This ensures a layer a safety for students and potential international gymnasts. Bring along your sturdy boots, wheelbarrow if you have one and laughter as we shift 30m3 of softfall in both the upper and lower playgrounds.
Meet the Teacher (Yr1-Yr6)
Tuesday 11 February
Thanks to all for participating in the parent-teacher catch-ups on Tuesday afternoon. These are always an important chance to touch base and build learning partnerships between home and school. We are sure that the foundation established will enable further conversations along the way. Formal written student reports will be provided in line with Departmental expectations at the end of Term 2. I encourage parents to speak with their child’s classroom teacher by sending through an email to rosanna.ps@education.vic.gov.au or by leaving a message at the office.
School Council Elections
A reminder that the School Council are currently holding elections to fill five vacant positions. Information can be found on a separate post on Compass with details of timelines and nomination procedures.
We acknowledge those members who have retired from their roles as their children head to secondary education.
Ange Romas – Ange has been a strong and ever present member of our community. She has rolled up her sleeves and contributed to a wide range of activities throughout the school. Her energy has been appreciated particularly in shaping and running the current school uniform and in many other areas. We bid farewell to the Romas family and wish them well, convinced that they will never have truly gone from our community.
Chanelle Mellor - Chanelle has asked difficult questions and prompted the Council to deeper reflection on decisions. We are all grateful she has been present as an encourager and guide through difficult decisions at times. The Mellors will never be far away!!
Jane Banovac – Jane’s leadership has been deeply valued over many years. I have appreciated her conversations and counsel. She has been able to guide wisely, bring warmth and compassion to decisions and move the school forward on the road of improvement. Her impact will continue to reverberate through the school for many years to come.
School Council Update
The final gathering of our 2024 School Council team met on Monday evening.
Traffic Concerns – members of council expressed concern over the safety of students moving around the drop off zones and local streets and pathways in the morning and afternoon traffic. A range of suggestions were discussed and ongoing conversations with Banyule Council will continue. The meeting decided to continue the discussion at the next meeting.
Facilities group have scheduled a Working Bee on Saturday 1 March and plans to spread softfall under the playground. There was a good turnout for the ‘Big Blow’ prior to the start of school that saw significant pruning and clearing around the yard. Further works to improve physical accessibility for members of the community is being planned with a focus on several pathways, entrances and steps. A surveyor has been onsite and has begun planning works to take place this year.
A range of air conditioning units will be replaced and installed in the Admin building. Last year we rerouted the gas line after a subterraneous leak. The result will be a chilly winter if these conditioners are not installed.
Two air conditioners in the Visual Arts Space will require a window to be removed. As the window has mastic that includes asbestos, the school is working with the Department to safely remove the window while students are not onsite and ensuring the health and safety of all. Further information concerning when this will occur will be released to the community once the date and time of the removal has been scheduled.
FORPS shared a range of activities that have already begun including planning for the ‘Welcome Back’ picnic, the AGM and the School Fair in November. It was noted that fundraising would be used to contribute to the resurfacing of the basketball court later in the year.
FORPS Annual General Meeting
FORPS has great plans for 2025 and are eager to share the adventure with as many parents as possible. They will be meeting in Chandler Hall on Wednesday 26 February at 7:00pm. Our sausage sizzles, morning teas and wide range of events (including a fair) are significant fundraisers that enable important investments that enrich student learning. Your contribution is a valuable connection with our school, valued by all.
FORPS ‘Welcome Back’ Picnic
Friday 28 February, 2025 (5pm onwards)
This evening is a chance to soak up the fact we have landed in 2025 and are thriving! It’s a little like wriggling your toes as you land barefoot in the sand at the beach. A simple BBQ will ease the rumbling of the tummy. Families may choose to bring their own picnic and picnic blanket. Children are invited to join in, adding their mark to the annual mural or make good use of the school’s sporting equipment. We are looking forward to an enjoyable evening!