Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) Focus

We have had an outstanding, settled start to the year. Our PBL focus to begin the term has been how to be a 'Safe, Respectful, Resilient, Learner at Boambee Public School". We have re-visited our school-wide expectations for the playground and our learning environments and students have done a wonderful job demonstrating their understanding of these expectations.


Next week our student leaders will be back to leading our PBL lessons and Morning Fitness and we know they will do a great job.

PBL Awards 

Congratulations to the following students who received a PBL award at Friday's assembly:


KH - Lola Prouin

KMG - Connor Christos

KW - Hayden Sebben

1D - Ahki George

1L - Octavia Mayers

1/2RP - Darcie Moodie

2B - Sinclair Geluk

2/3ML - Harper Long

3G - Lucy Stein

4M - Ryan Jordan

4S - Max Lee

5W - Christa Devine

5P - Liam Ulrick-Garner

6H - Ace Hopwood

6D - Maya Knowles