Principal's Report

Principal's Message
Welcome Back for 2025
Well done to our wonderful school community for the great start we have had to 2025. Our new students have settled in to kindy life successfully and Years 1-6 have all transitioned smoothly into their new classes for 2025.
This strong start to the year is thanks to the hard work of staff and the support of our fantastic parents. Thank you! We are looking forward to an exciting and engaging year ahead as we continue our focus on extra curricular opportunities for our students and explicit teaching skills for our staff through our professional learning community (PLC).
Last week we held our Student Representative Council (SRC) badge ceremony. Our students recited their pledge and oath to the school.
Our SRC is made up of our elected leaders from each of the student clubs, house captains and school captains. The SRC meet every week with Mr Moore and I. School Captains chair and minute the SRC meeting within our google classrooms and each SRC representative provides a report from their club.
There are 10 student clubs in our school for 2025. We have Passive Play, Reading, Sports, Deadly Gamambi, Wellbeing, Tech, Citizenship, Environment, CAPA and Gardening Club. Students from Years 3-6 can become members, and their goal is to provide opportunities for other students in the school and to enhance wellbeing.
Congratulations to our SRC for 2025!
Swimming Carnival
We were blessed with beautiful weather for the Swimming carnival on Tuesday, we had great participation in events and a successful day focused on competition and participation. Thank you to Mr Shipman for his great organisation of this event and to all of the staff who enabled the day to run smoothly. Special thanks to the Toormina High School students who supported us on the day - an outstanding group of students!
On Wednesday this week our 2025 Boambee Public School Debating Team attended the Premiers Debating Challenge Workshop in Woolgoolga. They learnt specific debating skills like Matter-Method-Manner, rebuttals and how to form an argument. The workshop was run by debating guru Anthony Davy out of The Arts Unit in Sydney and supported by our debating teacher and Stage 1 Assistant Principal Ms Boyd.
3 Way Interviews March 3-14
In the coming days you will receive an invitation to make a booking with your child's teacher for our 3 Way Interviews. Students are encouraged to attend these meetings at parents discretion.
Communication with Teachers
Boambee Public School teachers are amazing, utilising our Seesaw app regularly to share learning and communicate with parents.
If you have an urgent question or communication for your child's teacher, you should call the office. For example - a message about a pickup change may not be seen by a teacher in the middle of the day, potentially resulting in a child on the wrong bus. A day in the life of a teacher is extremely busy and they may not check Seesaw messages every day, they are certainly not expected to be checking them when they are at home with their families. A reasonable timeframe for a response on Seesaw is 24-48 hours.
If you would like to request a meeting with your child's teacher, please request a meeting via Seesaw or the front office. Arriving unannounced before a school day asking to speak to a teacher is not a suitable time. Teachers are getting ready to deliver for the day, requiring resource set up, essential communications with colleagues, administration and possibly before school duties. These responsibilities require 100% of our teacher’s attention and they are unable give a parent conversation the attention it deserves during this time, unless they have the opportunity to be prepared.
Student Religious Education (SRE) and Special Education in Ethics (SEE).
Today you will receive a school bytes notification about SRE. This communication outlines the SRE option for your child's year level. All parents need to complete the School Bytes note for your child. Even though Kindy don't do SRE this year, we need your preference for future years, so please complete the form.
Boambee Public School does not currently offer SEE. You can find more information about SRE and SEE at our school website in the Learning At Our School Tab.
During the time that SRE classes are being held, students not attending will be located in a separate space and will participate in meaningful activities (e.g. reading, private study or completing homework).
Parents and Citizens Association (P&C)
Please see some important dates for P and C below. A big thank you to Tas Alam (P and C President) and Mr Doyle (Stage 3 Assistant Principal) who gave up their Saturday morning recently to complete a BBQ workshop at Bunnings. This contribution from Tas and Mr Doyle means that we can run a fundraising BBQ at Bunnings for our school on the weekends.
Environment Club
Ever wondered why our school is always so neat and tidy? To a large degree, we can thank the Environment Club students who demonstrate their pride in our school by doing regular clean ups as part of their club responsibilities. Well done Environment Club!
Principal's Awards
Oden Laurie - 3G
An outstanding start to 2025.
Willow Nolan - 4M
Leadership skills and a positive role model.
Leighton Bunn - 6D
Respecting the environment by volunteering to pick up rubbish at the swimming carnival.
Luke Hawkins - KH
Luke consistently tries his best during learning tasks. He displays a positive attitude when faced with a problem.
Charlie Baldwin - 5P
For displaying care and consideration to all members of the school community.
Dom Hill - 6D
For showing determination at the swimming carnival.
Umbrellas for sale
We have a limited number of Boambee umbrellas available for purchase. They are $30 each and can be picked up and paid for at the front office.
Declaration for Child Related Work
It is a Child Protection requirement that the school gets all volunteers to complete the attached form. If you volunteer at the school, please either print the applicable form below or call into the office for a hard copy. Your assistance with this very important matter is greatly appreciated.