By Cass Jackson-L
By Cass Jackson-L
This year it is exciting to again have a Wellbeing Space and to be continuing and expanding on our Lunchtime Clubs. The Wellbeing Space is used, with the support of staff, for brain breaks, calming and regulation as well as lunchtime Clubs.
This year we are able to offer a range of ‘Clubs’ activities during break times including Sandpit, Skipping, Puzzles & Games, Cards & Chess, Dance, Japanese for P-2 and 3-6, Choir, ICT, Sustainability, Music, P.E and Sport Clubs. There are a range of opportunities throughout the week for students to engage in supported play and participate in activities for both individuals and groups.
The Year 5/6 Student Leadership program also helps us to continue to offer the range of clubs so we very much look forward to finding out who our student's leaders will be for 2025 and have them join in and lead clubs across the school.
"8 Tips to help your child manage back-to-school anxiety" Emerging Minds.