By Clara Shell

First Day for our 2025 Preps

The first day of school is always an exciting one, and this year’s Prep intake certainly made it unforgettable! Our newest students arrived full of energy, curiosity, and bright smiles, ready to embark on an exciting adventure in learning.

From meeting new friends to exploring their classrooms, it was a day filled with fun and wonder. Our teachers greeted each student ensuring that everyone felt welcomed and supported. 

Parents and caregivers shared in the excitement as they dropped their child off, knowing they were about to begin an important chapter in their education life.

We are so proud of our Preps for taking part in the first day with such enthusiasm. Here’s to many more days of discovery, friendship, and learning ahead! Welcome, Preps – we’re so glad to have you here!

High Abilities Update


2025 is looking like a fabulous year for our High Abilities program! We have several students already enrolled in the Victorian High Abilities Program for English this term, and they are joining in the online sessions each week, as well as completing tasks at home throughout the week. 

We will have opportunities such as the Young Authors Program, author visits and a Maths Olympiad throughout the year. If your child is selected to be a part of these opportunities, a note will be sent home prior to their participation. 

We look forward to High Abilities programs and opportunities happening across the school in 2025. 

Great start:

The Great Start program has set our students up for success by supporting them to build connections and familiarise themselves with daily school routines. This week, students will start to engage in focus groups and conferences which will support them to work towards achieving their individual learning goals. 



What a great start to the year we have had in Literacy! It has been amazing to see all classes exploring their classroom libraries and selecting new books for their book boxes. 


This week our Home Reading program has recommenced, with students in Years Prep - 2 bringing home both decodable books and levelled texts. Students from Years 3-6 will also bring home levelled texts and may choose to read books of their own choice. We encourage students to read every night and record their reading in their Reading Diary.