Classroom learning

The Year 1/2 students have had a fantastic start to the year, quickly adjusting to their routines and building friendships with their classmates.
The Year 1 and 2s have been choosing ‘just right’ books and building stamina for reading, focusing on reading for longer periods to improve fluency and comprehension. Each of the classes has been visiting the library to choose books to read at home and in the classroom. Students should also be practicing their stamina reading at home with the books chosen from school. To support their writing development, students have been setting up their writer’s notebooks, where they have been creating seeds to use as ideas for their writing. Using the seeds as inspiration, the students have been writing sentences. Everyday the children have been practicing phonics sounds, strengthening their ability to decode words.
Our first topic for term one was data. The students investigated data including how to use and represent data. They enjoyed collecting data in tallies and representing their data in graphs.
We have just started our new topic, place value. Through exploration the children have been practicing reading, writing, ordering and representing numbers. They are working on partitioning numbers in different ways using concrete materials, number lines and charts to demonstrate their understanding of the value of a digit.
Our topic for Inquiry this term is Growing Older and Wiser and exploring the characteristics of identity. We will be looking at concepts such as staying safe and taking responsible risks, eating healthy food, expressing emotions and getting older. We started by looking at how we are all unique. We took our fingerprints and discovered that they’re all unique! We played guess the baby from the photo and looked at how we change as we grow.
Religious Education
During Religious Education we’ve been looking at prayer, why it is important and at different ways to pray. In beginning preparations for Lent, Year 1/2s have shared stories from Project Compassion which is a fundraising campaign from Caritas Australia to raise funds for people in need.
Digital Safety
The Year 1/2s had their first Inform and Empower session to learn about digital safety. The program called Ollie Online helped to define what the internet is, how listening to our body can help us recognise early warning signs, and how trusted adults can help us stay safe online.