School Council

This year there are three parent positions to be filled (2 years) and one DE position.
- Returning parent councillors are Mahadevan Narayanan, Lucy Williams and Ed Agarwal
- Returning DE councillors are Grant Dew
We encourage people to seriously consider getting involved in School Council which meets once a month (last Monday of the month – dinner is at 5.30pm and the meetings begins at 5.45pm). School Council is an important decision-making body in the school. Any parent or carer of a student can be on School Council. School Councillors need to be prepared to work in a positive and constructive way with other parents to shape the future of our school, support our students and improve our school. No experience is necessary. Information and induction/training sessions are provided.
This year our school is undergoing our school review and school council plays a big part in this review, and setting up the next school strategic plan.
How do I nominate for the election?
If you decide to stand for election, collect a nomination form from the front office, or call so we can arrange to have one sent home with your child. Nominations open on Monday February 10th and close the following Monday February 17th. Complete all details and return the form to school. It is that easy! A ballot will only be held if the number of nominations exceeds the number of vacant positions. Please see us or any other councillor if you would like more information or have any questions about being on School Council. Current councillors are Nadia Bettio, Sarah Narres, Naomi Strauss, Lucy Williams, Nycole Jarvie, Mahadevan Narayanan, Ed Agarwal, Grant Dew and Vidhi Patel
Remember these dates:
Monday February 10th – Nominations Open
Monday February 17th - Nominations Close
Tuesday February 18th – Ballot Papers issued (if required)
Tuesday February 25th – Close of ballot
Monday March 31st – AGM and first meeting of new School Council