French News

Bonjour parents et élèves!
Our students continue to put in great effort during their French lessons, and we are delighted to see their ongoing enthusiasm for learning French.
What we've been learning in French:
• Prep: Our youngest learners have been expanding their French greetings by practicing saying hello in different ways and introduce their names. They also learned basic classroom instructions and practiced using actions to respond to instructions.
• Grade 1: Students have been working on a variety of greetings and asking and answering about names and feeling. They also learned basic classroom instructions and practiced using actions to respond to instructions.
• Grade 2: Students have been reinforcing their knowledge of basic words to show good manners, such as "thank you" and "excuse me." They also revisited the days of the week by reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar in French.
• Grade 3: Students have been introduced to definite and indefinite articles in French, learning how to use them correctly with masculine, feminine, and plural nouns. They also worked on possessive adjectives “my” and vocabulary related to family to write sentences describing their family members.
• Grade 4: Students have been learning how to tell the time in French by the hour, half-hour, and minutes, applying their number knowledge from Grade 3. They also wrote complete sentences using time-related expressions and linking them to their daily schedules.
• Grades 5 & 6: Students have been learning to use prepositions to describe objects and give directions to a place. They created dialogues about giving directions using a map and practiced saying them aloud.
Practice at Home
If your child is new to learning French or would like to reinforce the basics, please check out the links below for additional practice resources. 😊
Days of the week song
Fruit song
Old MacDonald had a farm song Alphabet song
Colour song
Number song
Vole Vole papillon
Frère Jacques
Bonjour mes amis
French Team