Grade 4 Community News

The Grade 4 team are very happy with the way all of the children have settled into their new class and have made lots of new friends. We have continued to share expectations for all learning areas and set ourselves up for a successful year ahead.
In Reading, students have been identifying their reading interests and the features of fiction and non-fiction texts. Each class has worked together to create shared independent reading protocols and practised using them in the classroom. We have also been building up our Reciprocal Teaching skills of Predicting, Clarifying, Questioning and Summarising. These skills will be used throughout the year to assist students in understanding what they are reading. Classes have started reading our Term 1 serial text, ‘Dragonkeeper’ by Carole Wilkinson. We will be learning new words from this text in our vocabulary lessons throughout the term.
Week 4: In Writing, we have worked on note taking which includes looking for key information within a text and summarising the main ideas. Students have been using abbreviations and symbols to write their notes in a more efficient way. During our narrative imaginative unit, we have looked at the features of a narrative such as paragraphs, dialogue, descriptive Language, figurative Language, tense and first or third person voice. Students have also had a chance to read over the narrative they wrote and assess their own work. This gives students the opportunity to see what they would like to work on in their writing.
In Maths, we have been learning about the compensation strategy for addition and subtraction. This strategy is about rounding up or down to the nearest ten. While completing an addition equation if we round up a number at the start we need to use subtraction at the end and if we round down at the start we need to use addition at the end. The rule changes for subtraction where if we round up at the start we need to use addition at the end and if we round down at the start we need to use subtraction at the end. Below is an example of what the students have been working on.
- School Photos are coming up on Wednesday 26th and Friday 28th of February. If you would like a sibling photo form, please request one at the front office.
- In Term 1 all students are required to wear a Tarneit Rise Primary School hat at both recess and lunch. If you need to purchase a hat, please visit the front office.
- Our new whole school approach requires students to keep water bottles in their lockers, not on their tables, this also included no longer having sip and crunch on tables.
- Please remember to send students with iPads and headphones to school each day.