Grade 3 Community News

Dear Grade 3 Families, 


Term 1 has well and truly begun, and we are so thrilled to see how well the grade 3 students have settled into their new routines, ready to learn. We are so excited to see what they can achieve this year! Our Meet and Greet interviews were Thursday 20th of February and we loved meeting with you all and discussing your child.



Knowledge Building 

We have begun our novel study Matilda by Roald Dahl. Matilda is a fun and inspiring story about a young girl who is very smart for her age but often overlooked by her family and mistreated by her school headmistress, Mrs Trunchbull. Despite the challenges, Matilda uses her intelligence and magical powers to stand up for what is right and show the world what she is capable of. During our novel study, we will be exploring themes of bravery, kindness, and standing up to injustice. Students will learn about resilience and how to be bold like Matilda in facing difficult situations. It is a great story for learning about the power of knowledge and standing up for what is right!


In Writing, we have been enhancing our understanding of syntax and grammar by expanding simple sentences with conjunctions to incorporate more detail, as well as using indefinite and definite such as ‘a’ and ‘an’ to specify nouns more precisely. The students have been identifying the elements of sentences by identifying the subject (who), action (what), when, and why, helping to create more complete and engaging sentences. From week 4, the grade 3s will be following the writing process to draft narratives inspired by our study novel, Matilda.  




In Maths, the students have been building upon their counting and place value knowledge. This has included identifying number pattern rules and continuing these patterns, identifying odd and even numbers, ordering numbers and representing multidigit numbers using the place value system. 





We have begun our Vocabulary cycles for this term. This term our target words will be coming from our novel study Matilda. This week our words are interfere, blinded, adoration, delve, glacial and doting. You may wish to support your child by assisting them to use these words in context.





 Friendly Reminders 

  • Meet and Greet Interviews are on Thursday the 20th of February. Please book an interview through Compass if you are yet to do so.
  • We are experiencing some very hot weather now, so it is vital that children wear their hats at school for terms 1 and 4. 
  • Please remind your child to bring their fully charged iPad to school ready for learning.
  • Children will need to change their books on their designated day so that they can continue to log their nights of reading. We love to celebrate their reading milestones! 
  • If you are yet to do so, please sign the BYOD user agreement so students can be using the iPads in the classroom ASAP: