Principals Message

Liz O'Loughlin


Good afternoon everyone,


We had another busy week with the continuation of the 3-6 swimming program, district swimming, 1/2 class mass and parent teacher interviews.  


Well done to Team Laurence and the end of day result at the District Swimming.  Please read the 'Around the School' page for details.  Thanks to Hayley for another great day and to all our helpers.  A shout out to Ryder who stepped in at the very last minute to join our relay team showing great team spirit.


Thank you to everyone who attended parent teacher interviews either face to face or via phone.  We hope that with these sessions we will work together to get the best outcomes for your children.  In semester 2 there will be another parent teacher interview schedule where you can check in with teachers.  If you wish to chat to your child's teacher at any time with concerns or quereies, please email your child's team directly to arrange a suitable time and day to catch up. 


We sent home school fee accounts on Tuesday (with the exception of those on a HealthCare subsidy).  A reminder that if you are not on a payment plan or other agreed arrangement, payment in full is required by the end of term 1.


School fees are not meant to be a burden on your family budget, and we understand that some families have been affected and are really struggling in the current climate.  If your family is experiencing difficulties in meeting your school fee commitment, we wish to hear from you.  Please contact me on as soon as possible as there may be concessions available to those who are in need.


For non-governments schools, the School Savings Bonus (a government initiative) will assist eligible families with cost-of-living pressures who hold a healthcare card. Please read more about this under the HEALTH CARE CARD HOLDERS page in this bulletin.


From Wednesday 26th February until Friday 7th March I will on leave.  During this time Christy Roberts will be available.  You contact Christy during this time on


As we move towards working together in this new year, I wish to refresh our school community on expected behaviour of our parents and friends via our Parent Code of Conduct. As this applies to every parent, please take the time read the following.


We are committed to nurturing respectful relationships and active partnerships with you as parents. We believe that our students’ learning journeys are enriched through positive and reciprocal home and school relationships.


As parents, you act as one of the most influential role models in your child’s life. We therefore seek your support in promoting and upholding the core values of the school community and its culture of being respectful.


The Parent Code of Conduct is intended to guide you in your dealings with staff, other parents, students and the wider school community. It articulates the school’s key expectations of both staff and parents with regard to respectful relationships and behaviours. It also specifies the school’s position with regard to unacceptable behaviours that breach our culture of respect.


Among students, staff and parents we strive to develop the following:

  • a respect for the innate dignity and worth of every person
  • an ability to understand the situation of others
  • a cooperative attitude in working with others
  • open, positive and honest communication
  • the ability to work respectfully with other people
  • use the diversity and strengths of families to foster partnerships on our school community
  • responsible actions.

In promoting and upholding this culture, we expect that parents will:

  • support the school’s Catholic ethos, traditions and practices
  • support the school in its efforts to maintain a positive teaching and learning environment
  • understand the importance of healthy parent/teacher/child relationships and strive to build the relationships
  • adhere to the school’s policies, as outlined on the school website • treat staff and other parents with respect and courtesy.

In promoting and upholding this culture, we expect that staff will:

  • communicate with you regularly regarding your child’s learning, development and wellbeing
  • provide opportunities for involvement in your child’s learning
  • maintain confidentiality over sensitive issues
  • relate with and respond to you in a respectful and professional manner
  • ensure a timely response to any concerns raised by you.

Raising Concerns and Resolving Conflict


In raising concerns on behalf of your child, or making a complaint about the school’s practices or treatment of your child, we expect that you will:

  • listen to your child, but remember that a different ‘perception’ may exist elsewhere;
  • observe the school’s stated procedures for raising and resolving a grievance/complaint;
  • follow specified protocol for communication with staff members, including making appointments at a mutually convenient time and communicating your concerns in a constructive manner;
  • refrain from approaching another child while in the care of the school to discuss or chastise them because of actions towards your child. Refer the matter directly to your child’s teacher for follow-up and investigation by the school.

In responding to your concerns or a complaint, we expect that staff will:

  • observe confidentiality and a respect for sensitive issues
  • ensure your views and opinions are heard and understood
  • communicate and respond in ways that are constructive, fair and respectful
  • ensure a timely response to your concerns/complaint
  • strive for resolutions and outcomes that are satisfactory to all parties.

                                                                                                                                                                     Our policy can be found on our website.

Staff Safety and Wellbeing

The school places high value and priority on maintaining a safe and respectful working environment for our staff. We regard certain behaviours as harmful and unacceptable insofar as they compromise the safety and professional wellbeing of our staff. These behaviours include, but are not limited to:

  • shouting or swearing, either in person or on the telephone
  • physical or verbal intimidation
  • aggressive hand gestures
  • writing rude, defamatory, aggressive or abusive comments to/about a staff member (emails/social media)
  • racist or sexist comments
  • damage or violation of possessions/property.

When a parent behaves in such unacceptable ways, the principal or a senior staff member will seek to resolve the situation and repair relationships through discussion and/or mediation.

Where a parent’s behaviour is deemed likely to cause ongoing harm, distress or danger to the staff member and others, we may exercise our legal right to impose a temporary or permanent ban from the parent entering the school premises. In an extreme act of violence that causes physical harm to the staff member and his/her property, the matter may be reported to the police for investigation.

Link on IR website



The safety and wellbeing of all our students is parmount.  If you wish to view our policy around this you can do so by clicking on the link.


Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.