Performing Arts News

It has been a great start to the year in Performing Arts. Many students are enjoying singing two Bruno Mars duets; ‘APT.’ with Rose and ‘Die with a Smile’ with Lady Ga Ga. It has been wonderful seeing even our newest Foundation students singing along to APT at the top of their voices!


16 students in Year 5/6 have been selected to perform in the mass dance at State School Spectacular again this year. They are looking forward to attending rehearsals with students from other schools in th local area, getting their costumes and attending the big event at John Cain Arena. 


Students have been practising their singing skills. I have been extremely impressed by the high standards and enthusiasm in all students.


Choir students are learning songs from the movie, ‘The Greatest Showman’. 

The Junior Choir is singing ‘Rewrite the Stars’ and the Senior Choir will be tackling the challenging ‘Never Enough’. If students would like to practise signing along to these songs at home, I have put videos with lyrics up on my YouTube channel.


Finally, some students in Years 3 – 6 have been visiting the Performing Arts Learning Space during lunchtime to play instruments, sing and dance with their friends. It has been lovely having them come and visit and I have been most impressed with how the older students are looking after the younger ones.


What a great start to the year. 😉