Environmental Leaders 

Introducing the 2025 Environmental Leaders


Hi I’m Bao. I am your 2025 Environmental Leader! The reason why I wanted to have this role is because I really enjoy helping out the school community, including working on the farm and feeding the reptiles, fish and birds. I will be one of the people that will be helping Mr. Hunter with his lunchtime clubs. If you have any suggestions for the lunchtime clubs, feel free to talk to me at lunch time or recess if you see me!


This is Blizzard! Blizzard is one of the reptiles in Mr. Hunter's room, you can find him next to the green tree frogs. Blizzard is currently living in his inclosure, where he has a special heating light to mimic the sun to keep him warm! Blizzard eats grated carrots, but if he was in the wild he would be eating beetles, ants and fruit.

Blizzard also needs water to stay hydrated! But no worries, the environmental leaders take care of that and give him new water every day!


Hi I’m Quoc and I'm the Environmental Leader for 2025. This year I will be helping to run the environmental lunchtime club. If you see me in the yard, come and tell me what you would like to do during the environmental club. I like being one of the environmental leaders because I get to take care of the animals and the garden.


This is one of Mr Hunter's green tree frogs. Green tree frogs like to live next to bodies of water, so when they are dry they can just go in the water to get wet. Green tree frogs live in the wetlands, so they live in a tank in the Environmental Room that is similar in temperature, humidity and contains water. The green tree frogs eat lots of insects; like flies, woodmites, small lizards, other frogs and small mice, but we only feed them woodmites.  They are very slimy and very scared of people. If you pick one up they may try to get out of your hand and jump away!