Grade 3/4 News

Loving learning every day with Mrs Jacobs and Miss Mawby!


For a such a short  term, Term 1 has certainly felt like a long one! We have had a fantastic start to the year in 3/4, and have managed to fit in lots of learning, despite all the things that have been thrown our way.


In literacy, we have been reading Go Go and The Silver Shoes, and looking at simple sentence structure. We have been exploring where authors get their ideas and working on generating some ideas of our own. We have been looking at strong verbs, and how to use them in our own writing to make our texts more exciting, and help create an image in the reader's mind. 


In numeracy, we have been focussing on place value, and the role of zero in numbers. We started looking at numbers in the tens of thousands, and have moved on to looking at numbers in the millions. We have been practising saying the whole number, rather than a group of digits. We briefly looked at location and transformation to practise our map reading skills so that we could put them into practise at the Grand Prix.


Highlights of Term One:

  • Swimming Sports
  • Athletics Carnival
  • Melbourne Phoenix Netball Clinic
  • Melbourne Grand Prix excursion




We are looking forward to a restful two weeks of holidays, and lots of chocolate from the Eater Bunny! Wishing all our families a safe and happy holidays.