Grade 1/2 Learning Community

Mrs McBride, Mrs Dallas & Mrs Bray, with special help from Miss Jenni, Mrs Harrison and Mrs Novinec

Integrated Studies

Integrated Studies had a focus on exploring Sound and Light.  Students have used their senses of sight, and hearing to assist in their learning. Students participated in guessing mystery sounds, created sound effects to go with a story, and listened to musical instruments from around the world. They watched a shadow puppet show and then made their own puppet to use in a performance for the class. We ended this unit by creating musical instruments from recycled household items and became a music junk band with our class-made percussion instruments.












ICT Learning

During Term 1, students have begun to master the skills of using an iPad and a laptop (Chromebook) for various tasks. Students have practised how to open a program and correctly use their login, as well as how to safely log off the device. Students in 1/2A have taken a photo and enhanced it using the application tools. They have delighted in learning how to write their name on a photo and save this work to use at another time.


This term has seen the introduction of fluid phonics groups. Students from both 1/2 classes work together for 30 minutes every morning on needs-based phonics awareness. One group has been working on the ng and wh graphemes, while the other was working on ff/ll/ss graphemes. We are very proud of how the students have organised themselves so quickly in the morning and how they are applying their learning in their writing tasks. 1/2B have loved learning how to play Blah, Blah, Blah (a card game similar to UNO)

Pearl Barley & Charlie Parsley

Our mentor text this term has proven very popular and the students have explored a range of learning tasks in both Reading and Writing using this mentor text. This week, students have created a final writing piece to finish the unit. A narrative about the night that Pearl Barley came for a sleepover at their house.  



Our focus on whole numbers has had students playing number challenges and matching the numeral to the written word. Students have worked hard on ordering numbers from highest to lowest and racing each other to see who can make the biggest number the fastest with a given set of digits. We are very proud of our skip counting by 2's, 5's and 10's!