Deputy News:

School Closure Day 

St Joseph's are proud to be hosting a Professional Development Day focussed on the research and implementation of the Science of Reading. 


On Monday, 15th April a total 150 staff members across five like minded schools will gather in our newly refurbished atrium for a day of professional learning. We are blessed to welcome Professor Pamela Snow, Professor Tanya Serry and Dr Nathaniel Swain from the Science of Language and Reading (SOLAR) Lab, La Trobe University to present a comprehensive day on the skills and aspects that develop skilled readers in the primary years. 


The SOLAR Lab was established in 2020 to assist schools to adopt well-established scientific approaches to teaching children to read and is well renowned by those following research based practice. 


As a school community that has embraced the research behind the Science of Reading for the last seven years, we are excited to have the opportunity to gather and learn from 3 experts who are trailblazers within this space. 


Our day will include six presentations on the following topics:

  1. Oral language as the foundations of reading
  2. The sub-components of reading
  3.  A knowledge rich curriculum
  4. Developing reading comprehension through vocabulary and morphology
  5. Cognitive load theory

As presented by:

Professor Pamela Snow

Pamela is Professor of Cognitive Psychology in the School of Education at the Bendigo campus of La Trobe University, and Co-Director of the Science of the SOLAR Lab. Her research has been funded by nationally competitive schemes and concerns the role of language and literacy skills as academic and mental health protective factors in childhood and adolescence.


Dr Nathaniel Swain

Nathaniel is a Senior Lecturer in Learning Sciences and Academic Program Director in La Trobe University’s School of Education (Melbourne campus). He founded the national community of teachers and registered charity called Think Forward Educators, and produces a regular blog for teachers known as the Cognitorium.


Professor Tanya Serry

Tanya is Professor (Literacy and Reading) in the School of Education at the Melbourne campus of La Trobe University and Co-Director of the SOLAR Lab. She has taught in the disciplines of speech-language pathology and education. Her research interests centre on the policy and practices of evidence-based reading instruction and intervention practices for students across the educational lifespan.


We thank our school community for being understanding as we take the opportunity to gather and learn to improve our teaching practice in the Literacy space.


I hope all families have a safe and happy Easter, with lots of time to rest and reconnect with family.


Alannah Harrison

Deputy Principal