8:30am - 4:30pm Monday to Thursday

8:30am - 3:30pm Friday

Closed at Recess

Open at Lunchtime


Book Week was celebrated between 17 - 23 August, with activities each day. The library held Blind Date with a Book at both East Campus and McKinnon Road Campus. Students and staff were able to select a book based on a few hints provided and unwrap the book to reveal a surprise read.


A reminder for Year 8 & 9 students:

  • Books are available at East Campus for personal reading or wide reading;
  • The book collection is located on Level 2 at East Campus near the Student Managers' Office; 
  • These books can be read and returned to the shelves when you've finished with the book; 
  • The collection includes fiction books, nonfiction books and graphic novels;
  • New books are added to the collection throughout the year. 


  • You do not have to return the books to the shelves after wide reading. Return the books to the shelves when you are finished with them or if you want to swap for another book; 
  • Please keep the shelves tidy.


  • The books at McKinnon Road Campus Library are also available to students based at East Campus. Students may place reservations via the library catalogue. Library staff deliver to East Campus once per week; 
  • If you are unsure of how to place a reservation, please contact the library.


Library staff will organise the reservation for you. 


Janene Watson

Library Resource Manager