Religious Education & Pastoral Care
Mrs Trish Mitchell
Assistant Principal & Religious Education Coordinator
Religious Education & Pastoral Care
Mrs Trish Mitchell
Assistant Principal & Religious Education Coordinator
Almighty and Everlasting God,
You have given the human race Jesus Christ our Savior as a model of humility. He fulfilled Your will by becoming Man and giving His life on the Cross. Help us to bear witness to You by following His examples and make us worthy to share in His resurrection.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son.
We welcome Fr. Martin & Fr. McHugh to St Patrick's Church and St Joseph's School whilst Fr. Anthony is on leave.
Please return your Project Compassion box this week. A reminder will be sent out via Compass. Thank you for your donations as they are going to a valuable cause.
Congratulations to our Easter Guessing Competition winners, Nina Power & Asher Parker! Both of these winners guessed 178 eggs! Well done!!!
Stage 1 celebrated Holy Thursday by commemorating Jesus washing the disciples feet and the Last Supper through water paint and written recounts.
The students will celebrate the Stations of the Cross at school on Holy Thursday. The Stations of the Cross are a 14-step Catholic devotion that commemorates Jesus Christ's last day on Earth as a man. The 14 devotions, or stations, focus on specific events of His last day, beginning with His condemnation. Thank you to our Year 6 Leaders who led each station.
Save the date...
In preparation for our Mother's Day Liturgy next term, we are collecting photos for a slideshow presentation. Students, if you would like to send in a photo of you and your mum, please email it to Mrs Mitchell by the end of the term
First Eucharist: Sunday, 16th June 2024 (9:00am)
Reconciliation: Tuesday, 3rd September 2024 (5:30pm)
** Please put these dates in your calendar!
Please join our Parish to celebrate the Eucharist. Our Parish offers three Mass times every weekend.
Saturday - 5:30pm
Sunday - 9:00am and 5:00pm