Message From Our 


Dear Parents, Carers, and Members of our School Community,


As the season Lent draws to a close and we prepare for Holy Week and the Easter Season, we reflect on the story of Jesus' death and resurrection.  For Christians worldwide this is the most important event on the church's calendar and the holiest of weeks when we recall and reflect on the events of the last week of Jesus' life and the beautiful message of hope and new beginning that the Easter season brings.


Tonight, Wednesday 20th March, our sacramental children will gather at our Sacred Heart Parish Church to receive the Sacrament of First Reconciliation.  A special thank you to Mr. Tony McDonald for his dedication and support in preparing our students (and their families) over the past few weeks as they continue to develop their personal faith relationship with Christ.  Could I ask that all families in our school community keep our sacramental children in their prayers.


Thank you so much for the donations we have received for the Easter raffle - we were overwhelmed by just how many donations were received and the great prizes that will be available.  Thank you to Sally Dickinson for her leadership and organisation of the raffle, ensuring there are lots of prizes to be won.



For the remainder of the week, I will be away from school, attending the 2024 VACPSP (Victorian Association of Catholic Primary School Principals) Conference in Lorne.  The conference is an enriching, educating and nourishing experience for primary Principals, both in knowledge and faith.  The theme changes each Conference and is designed to respond to time sensitive challenges experienced in educational leadership both locally and globally.  Think.  Engage. Lead. With Strength.  The 2024 conference theme is 'With Strength' and seeks to inspire Principals to think with strength, engage with strength and lead with strength.  The 2024 conference is underpinned by the strength of leadership of Mary McKillop's story, who was an educator, a pioneer and a leader, someone who had compassion for others, regardless of their position, situation or ethnicity.


"We must teach more by example than by word."

"God loves courageous souls."

- Mary Mackillop


The2024 Conference has identified four (4) main goals:

  1. The delegates will feel closer to God and open to finding strength in God's Love
  2. The delegates will experience new ways of thinking to draw on inner strength 
  3. The delegates will find their inner strengths, and
  4. The delegates will feel empowered by their new or renewed connections to each other.

Uniform Reminder

Recently, we've noticed some instances of incorrect footwear and socks being worn outside of sports days, as well as an increase in the wearing of jewellery. Incorrect jewellery poses a safety concern, and students will be kindly asked to remove such items and place them in their bags. Parents, please refer to the Sacred Heart Uniform Policy on our website for further clarification.



Keep our Students Safe at Drop Off & Pick Up Times

In the interests of safety for everyone at Sacred Heart I have a few very important reminders during Drop Off and Pick Up times.


Reverse Park, drive at walking pace, children wait on lawn area, parents come in the gate to collect your child, no child is to walk through the carpark not accompanied with an adult. We ask that parents don’t gather at the corner on the carpark and allow children to play when cars are exiting the carpark. It is very concerning for drivers and makes safe supervision of all children difficult for the staff member on duty.

Staff Carpark – is for staff only.

Children are not to walk through that area at any time. Visibility is very difficult with children walking along the footpath/bus and moving traffic. All children using Hogan St must exit down the ramp. 

Hogan St

All pedestrians, children and adults, must use the crossing when it is supervised. This is a legal requirement. 

Hunter St

This is an excellent option to avoid the busy traffic in Hogan St. Children walk to the gate supervised. They must be picked up on the school side of the road or an adult walk across to meet them. Children cannot cross the street without an adult. 

School Office

The school gates are locked at 9am and opened at 3:20pm. All visitors to the school during those times must enter through and report to the main office.


Drop Off and Pick Up times are extremely busy times and it is important that this is managed safely. It may be inconvenient at times but I ask families to fully cooperate and support staff, keeping everyone at Sacred Heart safe.


Enjoy your week and have a wonderful and restful weekend.


God bless,


Jamie McDowall
