Student News

Student activities and event highlights 

PE/Sport Update

District Athletics

On Monday 18th of March, students from Grades 3-6 represented our school in the District Athletics. At the Geoff Watt Track in Warragul, students got to demonstrate their skills in the second round of Athletics. Congratulations to the fifty-five students who competed! We are proud of the effort and respect you showed on the day. 


Divisional Tennis

Several students from our school were selected to participate in Divisional Tennis on Wednesday the 13th of March. The students played singles matches against students from different schools at the Drouin Tennis Courts. Congratulations to Tara Owen, Aurora Snowden, Maddi Walker, Ali Koyu, Adyan Shareef and James Bryant for being chosen to represent our school. A special congratulations to Jaxon Barnes for making it to the following round. Thank you to all the parents and carers who came to support on the day!


AFL Superkick

A reminder that Wednesday the 27th of March is the AFL Super Kick competition. All students in Grades 3-6 who have been selected must have their notes back before this date. 



Most Valuable Player Awards

The Most Valuable Player awards are given to students in Grades F-4 who display excellent efforts and improvements during Sport and Physical Education lessons in 2024. Students are selected by Sport and Physical Education Teachers, with support from our House and Sport Captains


Artists of the Week!

Congratulations to all of the Art Award winners this week!