Victorian Careers Show 2024

May 16 to May 18, 2024
The Victorian Careers Show, in its 4th year in 2024, follows on from the success of our flagship event, the VCE and Careers Expo.
Our exhibitors include:
- universities, TAFE colleges and training providers
- providers of VCE resources, information and services
- organisations with apprenticeship information and opportunities
- organisations with employment opportunities
- organisations with cadetship opportunities
- career advisers and student support services
- providers of tutoring services, lecture and study skills programs
- providers of international exchange and GAP year programs
- providers of youth services and programs
Attend seminars on topics including:
- VCE subjects
- Subject selection advice for Year 10 students
- Tertiary courses
- Careers
- Employment opportunities
- Study advice
- Gap year options