E-Safety and Young Children 

Online safety for under 5's 

In today's digital world young children are being connected to online platforms from a very young age through toys, screens, streaming services and video calls and it is important that we all talk to them about ways we can be connected online safely.  The e-safety commissioner website e-safety.gov.au/early years has put together a booklet and a set of resources to help families support and guide young children to be safe online. 


The publication - eSafety Early Years, online safety for under 5's outlines key messages to  start including in your conversations with young children to help your child both online and offline.  The key messages are:-





Be safe — help your child understand the connected world, how they can protect their personal information and who it is safe to communicate with online.

Be kind — show your child how to be kind and respectful online 

and model good habits around device use and online sharing.

Ask for help — teach your child when to ask for help and let them know they can come to you with any issue.

Make good choices — help your child to think critically about the content they watch and how they spend their time online.

In addition to these messages for young children there is also key advice for parents to around setting up devices and where to find good content, be actively engaged and how to balance screen time.   


For more information and helpful tips please visit the esafety commissioner website  https://www.esafety.gov.au/parents/children-under-5/start-talking-online-safety where you can download the resources. and browse. We also have some of the  resources in the foyer at he kindergarten. e-safety.gov.au/early years