Wellbeing - Senior School

It has been an extremely busy end of Term 1, especially with the completed Lenten Dances for Years 7 and 8, and the preparations for the ultimately postponed Years 9 and 10 dance. I want to thank the students who attended the dances for their respectful and safe conduct during the respective evenings. The feedback received has been extremely positive from the boys and the staff from the invited girls’ schools. I also extend my appreciation to our Year 11 and 12 students and staff members who assisted.


Parents and carers are reminded that students are to be wearing Winter uniform from the commencement of Term 2. I would like to focus particularly on the cleanliness of students’ shoes. There is a clear expectation that students have clean, polished shoes. My recent travels around the playground and classrooms clearly indicate that many students need to spend some time over the holidays cleaning and applying shoe polish to their footwear. 


If there are any issues with your son being able to wear the uniform, please contact the relevant Year Coordinator or Junior School classroom teacher as soon as possible. There are clean loan uniforms that can be provided to students if required. 


Many students will require haircuts over the holiday period. I ask parents/carers to ensure that the grooming guidelines in the College Diary are consulted prior to their son having a haircut. Students should not have their hair cut shorter than a No.2 grade or have noticeable changes in length. 


I take this opportunity to thank all members of the College community who completed the recent Relationships, Support and Bullying Surveys. There were over 1,400 responses to the questions provided by students, parents, carers, and staff. The data provided will be extremely useful in providing evidence to affirm current practices while also giving feedback on how the College can develop in the areas identified within the survey. I look forward to disseminating information in the coming term.


Robert Simpson

Director of Senior School