General News

Dhulu - Message Stick

Cultural Learning Plans

If you were unable to attend the Cultural Learning Plan meetings, your child/children's CLP's will be sent home by Friday 29th March. You will receive 2 copies, we ask that you sign and return 1 copy by Friday 5th April and keep the 2nd copy at home. 

If you have any questions in regard to your child/children's CLP, please contact the AEA of your child/children's campus. 


Gamilaraay Word of the Week:

Dhirrabuu - Deadly


AEA team


Brittany Cloake

Primary AEA



Jarrod Peachey

Primary AEA



Amanda Gwalter

Infants AEA



Sally-Anne Clarke

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Focus Teacher


Word of the Week

Each time a student uses our "Word of the Week" in the classroom they will be awarded a point and the student with the most points at the end of the term will receive a book to further expand their vocabulary.


We will publish our Word of the Week on Facebook and in the newsletter. Please support your child to use this word at home.     


Term 1 Week 8  Word of the Week "PANDEMONIUM"

Free Hat Friday 

Our final "Free Hat Friday" will be held tomorrow Friday 22nd March.  All students are asked to leave their school hat at home and wear another hat of choice and bring a gold coin donation for Caritas.  Thank you for your support of this event.

St Ed's School Photos - next week (Week 9)

INFANTS - Tuesday 26th March (all students to wear full Summer School Uniform)

PRIMARY - Wednesday 27th March (all students to wear full Summer School Uniform)


IMPORTANT UNIFORM CHANGE:  Please note that SPORT DAY in PHOTO WEEK will be Thursday 28th March.  Friday 29th March is a Public Holiday.


Online orders must be placed via the Parent Compass Portal prior to the day. This can be found in your app, under the 'more' tab found in the bottom right hand corner and then click on the 'photo ordering' tab.  If you cannot order online, please call MSP on 67723519 to arrange an alternate payment.

SIBLING Family Photos

Families wishing to have sibling photos taken this year are advised that these will be taken on Tuesday 26th March at the INFANTS Campus at Recess time between 11.00am - 11.40am. If you have children at BOTH Campuses parents are asked to arrange for the Primary children to be brought to the Infants Campus Hall by 11.00am and then returned to the Primary after the photo is taken. If you only have children at the Primary Campus, the photographers are happy to take these family photos at the Primary on Wednesday 27th March during Recess time. 

St Ed's P & F Easter Raffle

Our wonderful P & F committee is organising our annual Easter Raffle. A HUGE thank you to the families who have donated items and sold raffle tickets for our Easter Raffle. Donations of easter eggs, bunnies and Easter gift bags are still being accepted and can be left at either school office.  

Please don't forget all raffle tickets and money must be returned to either school office by Monday 25th March.   


Easter Hat Parade - Infants students only

Families are welcome to join us for our Infants Easter Hat Parade on Thursday 28th March at 8.45am under our Infants COLA. All Infants children will make their hats at school and our parade will start straight after the drawing of our Easter raffle. We hope you can join us to see all the children's wonderful creations on display!

St Ed's P & F Trivia Night - Saturday 24th August

Mathematics Learning Walks


Infants Learning Walk, Register here by Friday 22nd March!

Primary Learning Walk, Register here by Friday 5th April!

ANZAC Day March 

St Edward’s students will once again join the Tamworth community in the ANZAC Day March on Thursday 25th April 2024.  We encourage all students from Kinder to Year 6 to represent our school in this march. Children are asked to wear full summer uniform (including hat) and meet the teachers at 9.30am in Bourke Street. At the conclusion of the march, all students can be collected from Number 1 Oval in Kable Avenue.  Thank you for your support of this important community event.  


Regular attendance at school is essential if students are to maximise their potential. Schools, in partnership with parents, are responsible for promoting the regular attendance of students. While parents are legally responsible for the regular attendance of their children, school staff, as a part of their duty of care, monitor part or whole day absences. 

Classes commence at 8:45am and late arrival makes it more difficult for a child to settle in class. Leaving class early results in your child missing out on important information to help them prepare for the next day. Each day or part day missed makes the support of your child more challenging as staff attempt to ensure they are learning at an appropriate rate. The below infographics demonstrate the importance of consistent attendance at school. Every day does count and is essential to the academic success of your child. Thank you for helping to maximise your child’s potential by ensuring their attendance at school is a priority.

2025 Kindergarten - ENROL NOW

Applications for Kindergarten 2025 are NOW OPEN. Please contact the Infants Campus for an enrolment pack or download the online form.

Enrolment Applications must be accompanied by the relevant supporting documents as listed on the cover page of the application form. ie: Birth and Immunisation Certificate; Baptismal Certificate (only required if your child is baptised Catholic) and proof of student’s residential address. 

Please spread the word if you know of anyone with a child wishing to start at St Edward's School in Kindergarten in 2025.  Please note enrolment applications close on Friday 12th April.


At the end of 2022, National Cabinet announced that people who test positive to COVID-19 do not need to isolate. In line with this announcement, schools will continue to follow guidance issued by NSW Health to support the safety and wellbeing of our school communities. 


Staff and Students with COVID-19 Symptoms

If a student or staff member is unwell and has any symptoms they should always test for COVID-19 and not attend school until they are symptom free. 


Positive COVID-19 Cases

If a student or staff member receives a positive result with a RAT or PCR test they should:

  1. Record the positive result through the Services NSW website or App.
  2. Notify school of positive results as soon as possible. 

Esteem Kids

Before school care is available in the Infants Hall for both Primary and Infants students.  It operates from 7:00am to 8:30am, Monday through Friday during term and breakfast is provided. 

After school care is available in the Infants Hall for Infants students only from 3:00pm to 6:00pm Monday through Friday.  PLEASE NOTE this year that after school care is now operating from the Primary Art Room for primary students only from 3:00pm to 6:00pm Monday through Friday.  Afternoon tea is provided.


Families are encouraged to make enquiries or express interest by contacting William Wong on 0410 841 628 or email: or visit the website at


ABSENCES - Please remember to contact (telephone or text) Esteem Kids St Edward's directly if your child is going to be absent on 0481 373 883.  Thank you.

ADIG Bonus Saver Account...

NSW Police Legacy Child Safety Handbook

The “NSW Police Legacy Child Safety Handbook” is a comprehensive and free resource to assist parents, carers as well as teachers on a range of topics essential to child safety.  

The updated digital edition includes important content updates from: Fire and Rescue NSW (home fire safety), Transport NSW (school bus and seat belt safety), NSW Department of Communities and Justice (keeping children safe), eSafety Commissioner and NSW Rural Fire.   

Please click here to view the digital handbook.

Healthy Lunch Box


Don't forget to like us on Facebook and tell your family and friends about our page too!

St Edward's Primary School: Facebook

We are now on Instagram too! Feel free to follow our page to keep in touch with the fantastic things that happen at St Edward's Primary School.

St Edward's Primary School: Instagram


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