Principal Reflections
Dear Parents/Carers,
It is hard to believe that it is already Week 8. Our calendar of events has certainly kept us all busy.
Kindergarten 2025
Congratulations to our 2024 Kindergarten cohort and teaching team for how well you have settled into school. We are certainly observing pleasing growth in your child's knowledge and skills. Consistency in practice and expectation has been the key to this success.
This cycle happens so quickly as we are now already preparing for our Kindergarten 2025. Enrolments are coming in quickly and our Senior Leadership Team will commence interviews with the families who have applied to come to St Edward's early in Term 2. If you know of anyone who is keen to enrol, and who has not applied for a position, please ask them to do so as soon as possible.
Our Open Day last Sunday was a huge success. Thank you to everyone who was able to come and listen to the many things on offer at St Edward's School.
During Week 7 and Week 8 our Year 3 and 5 students have joined their peers from across the Nation in commencing NAPLAN (The National Assessment Program: Literacy and Numeracy). The NAPLAN Assessment will support our school to analyse the data in order to:
- Share the success of our cohorts
- Assess the effectiveness of improvement initiatives
- Look for areas of growth and development
- Plan for future success
I would like to thank the Year 3 and 5 teaching teams and support personnel, as well as our middle leaders, for ensuring that the assessment schedule ran smoothly for our Year 3 and 5 students.
I know we are consistently communicating the importance of school attendance to our families, but please understand these reminders are needed because we care and want the best for your child.
As you know at St Edward's School we encourage and support our families to maintain high attendance. The best place to learn is at school and regular attendance builds momentum, confidence and growth.
The importance of arriving on time at school also ensures that students do not miss out on important learning activities scheduled early in the day and reduces classroom disruption. Knowing that our targeted uninterrupted English Block commences at 9.00am, you can appreciate that students who are consistently late will miss out on key literacy instruction. Lateness is recorded as a partial absence and must be explained by parents.
We are here to support our families and are not wanting to be unreasonable, but strongly encourage parents to partner with the school to support high attendance rates. This will help to ensure that our students get the maximum benefit from class time, in order to most effectively learn and flourish in the school environment.
Safety Online- Parent Workshop
As promised, we are excited to announce that we will be providing an opportunity for parents to engage in an online safety workshop for students to equip them with the knowledge and skills to navigate the digital world safely and responsibly. This workshop is provided through the Council of Catholic School Parents (NSW/ACT).
The date and time for this event is as follows:
Date: Tuesday 26th March 2024
Time: 7.30- 8.00pm
I hope that you find this webinar useful and it supports you to put things in place to ensure your child is being safe and responsible online.
Until next week,
Keep smiling,
Alison Hatton