KLA Feature - Creative Arts

A celebration of success within the Creative Arts
Creative Arts continues to flourish with HSC nominations within all subject areas.
A tremendous achievement in 2023 with Dance celebrating the nomination of 7 items for Callback. We congratulate Suzie Mammone’s Core Performance, Chloe Barnes Major Study Performance, Autumn Sydir Core Performance and Major Study Performance. Together with Isabella Smith’s Core Composition, Core Performance and Major Study Performance.
Drama was acknowledged for the exemplary individual projects of Ashleigh Thompson and Evelyn Shanley. Evelyn had her work selected and exhibited in the foyer of the Seymour Centre for OnStage.
Music had success in the nomination and selection of Evelyn Shanley’s Music 1 (performance) for Encore.
Visual Arts attained 5 student nominations for Body of Works that demonstrate excellence in material practice and conceptual strength. These students are Dianne Faustino, Raphaila Idris, Sophie Lear, Lily McElroy and Lucy Spisiak. An outstanding achievement with Sophie’s work selected for the current ArtExpress Exhibition at the Art Gallery of New South Wales and later at the Yarrila Arts and Museum, Coffs Harbour. Lily McElroy's work is currently exhibited at ArtExpress Hazelhurst Arts Centre and later at Cowra Regional Art Gallery.
Last year we received the exciting news that Evelyn Shanley had received our very first nomination for Encore, the concert showcasing exemplary musical performances from the HSC practical examinations.
To accept the nomination for Encore, students are required to submit a video recording of their full HSC Program. With the support of our Principal Leader Tania Cairns and the Creative Art teams, Evelyn submitted her video.
Our college also received the wonderful news that Evelyn had achieved second place in the order of Merit for 2023 Music 1 HSC Course. This was quickly followed by her acceptance into the prestigious Encore program. Evelyn was asked to perform the Irish folk song "The Foggy Dew" which is also known as "An Drucht Geal Ceo". Rehearsals were undertaken and the piece was performed at the Sydney Opera House on Monday 4th March with Mrs Wendy Merriman on the flute, Mr Nick Carozza on drums and Mr Joshua Graziotto on the guitar, Mr John Romeo playing the bass guitar and Mr Richard Caws on the grand piano.
Caroline Chisholm College celebrated the outstanding success of Evelyn Shanley on Monday night at Sydney Opera House. Evelyn's performance of her voice piece The Foggy Dew (An Drucht Geal Ceo) (O’Neill) was simply breathtaking and captured the entire audience from the moment the lights lit up the stage. The concert hall was enchanted by her extensive knowledge of voice and the crowd erupted with applause to show appreciation of the experience.
Staff, students and family members attended the wonderful performance which was a testament to Evelyn’s commitment to her studies and passion for Music. Evelyn will be teaching as a voice coach at Caroline Chisholm College on Wednesday’s and we wish her all the very best as she pursues her studies with a Bachelor of Arts at The University of Sydney majoring in Music and minoring in Marketing.