Around the Classrooms


Around the Classrooms 


During our Readingsessions the students will be further developing their knowledge and skills of:

  • learning to identify synonyms and antonyms to expand our vocabulary.
  • learning to sort verbs into the correct verb groups
  •  learning to identify direct speech and how it is used within text. 
  • learning to describe how the layout, size, colour and perspective can help build our understanding about a text.

In our Writing sessions we will be revisiting the genre of a Narrative. The students will continue to develop their understanding of:

  • learning to plan an orientation using a graphic organiser. 
  • learning  to write an orientation using a graphic organiser including paragraphs.
  •  learning to plan a complication using a graphic organiser.learning  to write a complication using a graphic organiser including paragraphs.
  • learning how to edit our story.


To start the term we will be investigating Financial Maths. The students will further develop their understanding of: 

  • Represent money values in multiple ways and count the change required for simple transactions
  • recognising the relationship between dollars and cents
  • Solve problems involving purchases and the calculation of change 
  • recognising that not all countries use dollars and cents

Other mathematical concepts to be covered this term are:

Counting & Place Value



Patterns & Algebra

Addition & Subtraction 


To start the term we will be focusing on 

Prayer, Liturgy & Sacraments and its impact on our lives. The students will be:

  •  learning to explain the 7  sacraments in a catholic faith journey.
  • looking at the first part of the Mass, the Introductory Rites.
  • learning to identify the four Rites of the Mass. 
  • learning to identify the parts of the Liturgy of the Word.
  • choosing a passage from the Bible to explore how Jesus makes God’s Word alive today. 
  •  exploring the Gospel stories where Jesus shared meals.
  • recalling how the Eucharist is a special meal.
  • recall how Jesus shared many meals in the Gospel stories. In these meal stories we learn important information about Jesus and the kingdom of God.


This term we will be investigation a   Science unit titled:

 Energy is an Exciting and Engaging Adventure

The students will be experimenting and researching:

  • What is energy?
  • What is movement and what is heat?
  • How do things move in different ways?
  • How is heat produced?
  • What is the connection between heat, friction and movement?
  • How do we design a product using the learning assets of researching and thinking?