From the Principal's desk

This will be the final newsletter for the term. We have welcomed our first group of kinder students for a visit today. They had a Teddy Bear's picnic, sang songs and had a play on our new junior playground. The other kinder group will come over next Monday.
I hope all of our families have a happy Easter and relaxing break over the two weeks. I will be going camping over Easter, working on my house that is being built and visiting my Grandma in Portland.
Our Year 3 and 5 students have completed their Writing and Reading NAPLAN tests, a huge congratulations to these students. They have shown fantastic resilience as they participated in these tests. They will complete the Conventions of Language test on Wednesday and their final test, Numeracy on Thursday.
Cultural Diversity Week
This week is Cultural Diversity Week. The theme for the week is: Our Shared Stories - Celebrating Together. Classes will be participating in activities throughout the week. On Thursday we are asking students to wear a 'splash of orange' as part of this week to celebrate 'Harmony Day.' Students could wear orange accessories, hair clips/ties, orange socks etc.
Morning school arrival
Just a reminder to students arriving to school in the mornings. Students need to arrive as close to 8:45am as possible. If you need to drop your child to school early please book your child into TheirCare so they can be supervised. The building will be open from 8:45am for students to come in, put their bag away and get ready for the school day.
Victorian State School Spectacular
I have entered all students who have submitted their forms into the system. I will be getting my information out to students and their family's early next term.
Easter Raffle
Thank you to the families that have been able to donate to our Easter raffle and sold some raffle tickets. Donations and raffle books will be accepted until 4pm this Wednesday. There will be a number of prizes to be drawn and this will be done at our last assembly this Friday, starting at 3pm.
I would like to highlight some of the sections of our Student Uniform Policy to remind families of our uniform requirements. Some of the items being worn by students are not part of our uniform at Numurkah PS. Please have a talk with your child/children to ensure they are in full school uniform.
General uniform
Plain black shorts or skorts without decoration or brand name and in Winter can be worn with black tights/stockings. Shorts should be of an appropriate length. As the weather becomes colder students may wear a long sleeve top underneath their polo shirt, however, this needs to be in school colours.
Jewellery and cosmetics
Students are not permitted to wear decorative jewellery to school. Stud earrings and sleepers worn in the ears, and watches, are the only acceptable jewellery.
Appropriate footwear is to be worn. Summer sandals with covered toes, black school shoes or pull on black school boots or black runners are permitted. No thongs or open-toed sandals are permitted.