Primary School

Every week when I come to write the newsletter it astounds me how many exciting opportunities we are able to fit into a week of school! It has been a short but fabulous week in Primary School with endless events alongside school photos.  

Culture, Engagement and Excellence 

Walk to School Day 

Last Friday morning was a spectacular day to walk or ride to school and we are so pleased with the turnout for our first walk for the year. Students, families, teachers and furry friends enjoyed the scenic walk along Oyster Harbour and the Milo and muffins from Chef Nick on arrival. We will repeat this event each term but do hope families use this path more regularly as an enjoyable way to begin or conclude the school day. We are truly blessed with the location of our campus and wish for you to make the most of it too.  



Year Two Assembly 

Well done to our fabulous Year Two class who showcased their Term One Inquiry; “toys can move in a variety of ways and have changed over time,” at our assembly on Friday. They did a wonderful job of showcasing what they have learnt about life in the past, olden day toys and the highlights from their excursion to Mr Crabapple’s classroom at the museum.  



Year Five Excursion 

Our Year Fives spent the day cycling around the significant sites of our Menang elders as part of their Geography studies this term. They were tasked with looking at the environmental features of each site and comparing traditional to current land use. Their journey began at school with stops along the way to complete tasks at the Fish Traps, Coraki Park and Yoorl Park. Thank you, Mr Paul Osborne, (Year Five Teacher), for facilitating this excursion and to those students who conquered the ride, including some who also rode to school beforehand. Highlights of the day from the Year Five excursion are below.  



Year Four Sustainability Expo 

Our waste warriors in Year Four have been working tirelessly to bring you innovative and sustainable ideas. These ideas were showcased in the Primary School foyer on Monday. The students ran stalls in small groups, each showcasing an idea about how we can all avoid, protect, or reduce unnecessary waste at GSG. This was their culminating task for their inquiry learning this term. Students presented informative stalls complete with persuasive texts, posters and recorded informative podcasts. Well done to Mrs Lisa Keatch and Miss Gracie Laneaux-Neale for this innovative showcase of learning. I loved hearing how a lot of their ideas came from the initial provocation of the GSG waste audit with Clean-Away. Well done to the “People’s Choice Awards” stall winners: 


1st place: Uniform Swap  

2nd place: Worm Farm 

Joint 3rd place: Book Nook and Sauce Station 



Interschool Swimming 

Well done to our Interschool Swimming team who represented Great Southern Grammar on Wednesday. Team spirit was high and the efforts, behaviour and manner in which they conducted themselves, were exceptional. Winning overall was the icing on the cake for a fabulous, warm day at the pool. Mr Stephen Berryman will share individual results and achievements next term. Below is a summary from Joel and Molly (Year Six). 


Grammar had a great day, with lots of chants and triumphs. Congratulations to all the medallists which contributed on the lead up to our shiny winning shield on the way home.


Thank you to Miss Nichols, Ms Youens, Mr Berryman, Mr Steytler and Miss Boyley today.


Well done to the other schools for a great competition.  


Families, we appreciate you giving up your time to come and support your amazing children (and GSG). 

We are the champions! 


Joele Tralli and Molly Stan-Bishop | Year Six students


Easter Hat Parade 

Our ECC students hopped into the Easter spirit with their hat parade this morning. Thank you to Mrs Hayley Ranger (Assistant Head of Primary – ECC) for organising such a festive occasion. A huge well done to the families and students for the creativity on display today to get us ready for the holidays. After their parade, ECC students danced through the Years Three to Six classrooms, showing off their creations to ensure everyone was in the Easter spirit. 



P&F Colour Run 

The Colour Run was a wonderful way to conclude the term and we are all grateful for the efforts of our P&F and Mrs Emma Franklin for coordinating this for us to enjoy. Thank you to our family volunteers on the day. 



ECC Briefing: School Values – Compassion 

We have made it! It is an exciting final week in ECC with class photos, the Easter Hat parade and the Colour Run. We are focusing hard and finishing the term strong. We hope everyone in the ECC has a fabulous Easter and a safe and restful holiday.  


Our Value is Respect, and award recipients were:  

Kindergarten - Ermen Carter 

Pre-Primary - Ava Ray 

Year 1- Jaxon Theodorou 

Year 2 - Rosie Mitrovski 


Star Awards  

Kindergarten - Hudson Sutton 

Pre-Primary - Soraya Leslie  

Year 1 - Alex Schaefer  

Year 2 - Louie Sutton 



Cute one-liners from our Kindy students for Term One: 

“I have sippy-tanas in my lunchbox” 

“My heart is feeling beautiful” 

“My throat is not working today” 

To the class EA “You can’t stay here, you belong to us” 

“You have to be super careful with me today, I have lots of ouchies” 

“I have pins and noodles in my foot” 

“I’m not operational” 


Horizons is set to begin on Wednesday 24 April (Week Two) and information/nominations will be sent home via email on Monday 15 April.  


Have a lovely holiday and we look forward to welcoming students back on Tuesday 16 April.


Ms Leah Field | Head of Primary