Secondary School

Happy Easter!  We have had a beautiful week in the Secondary School to finish the term and I have thoroughly enjoyed seeing so many happy faces.  End-of-term House events have cemented connections made across camps this term, and the Colour Run today was a truly joyful occasion.


As I read through student progress reports over the last couple of weeks, I was impressed with the number of students clearly engaged in their learning and building positive connections with their teachers.  I am reminded that camps, VACs and cocurricular opportunities add to these relationships and if we are in such a strong position after one short term, I am excited to see how the rest of the year continues.


A Learner’s Toolkit continues to grow at Great Southern Grammar and I will be working with our team in boarding so that they can support our students during prep with study skills that have proven to be effective.  Elsewhere, our students have been working with study strategies given to them by their teachers and developing them away from the classroom. From SketchNotes to electronic flashcards and online quizzes, our students have been sharing their findings with their teachers and all of our skills are improving.  Even though progress reports have been released and Parent Teacher Interviews have concluded for this term, learning continues and most students have had assessments this week.


As the term concludes, I have reflected on how our themes of Culture, Engagement and Excellence look from my seat.  I am constantly overwhelmed with the generosity of our students when I put out a call for volunteers; support with Primary School events, cooking sausages, selling icy poles, coaching and umpiring younger students … the list goes on.  

We have had excellent attendance for NAPLAN testing and our students were prepared and focused. 


Every one of our Year Twelve leaders attended the Year Eight camp this year and 13 of them have completed their Peer Mediation course and are ready to support younger students at our school.  These examples have come from the last few weeks alone and contribute to the joy of my role at GSG.  I look forward to sharing more examples with you.


I wish all families a restful Easter break and look forward to an exciting second term.


Mrs Victoria Turnor | Head of Secondary

Camfield House News

Camfield's annual Socks and Kicks fundraising day raising over $1,200 for our Cambodian sponsor child, Kosal, as well as the Gillamii Centre which supports the local farming community and environment, was a resounding success. Students and staff donned their craziest socks combined with a wide variety of footwear, purchased delicious goodies baked by our wonderful Camfield families and watched the staff take on the Year Twelve team in the very competitive soccer match. 


After winning for the past two years, the staff were looking for a three-peat, and a three-peat they did achieve. Missing the golden boot of Mr McLean, the staff were looking for a newcomer to take up the baton. Thankfully, Mr Symonds was there to charge forth scoring early in the first half. A cameo by Mr Irving had the crowd cheering. The Year Twelves, whilst competitive, were no match for the skills of their elders and another win was collected by the staff. 


All the best for next year, Year Elevens! A huge thank you to Finnley Dwyer-Adams for refereeing the game and to Rosie for filling in for the staff team. 



Mrs Alexis Stone | Head of Camfield

World’s Greatest Shave – message from Lily Quick

A group of Year Twelve students have signed up to do the World’s Greatest Shave this year.  We are aiming to raise $8,000 and could really do with your help! 


We are fundraising to help beat blood cancer, this money goes into funding clinical research and getting emotional and practical support for Australians facing blood cancer. 


The link below will send you to our fundraising page - feel free to share this link with your family and the wider community: LINK | Leukaemia Foundation

ABC Heywire 2025 Competition

ABC Heywire - 2025 Competition now open! Seeking Next Great Southern Winner!

Hear from our own Sienna (Class of 2023) , the 2024 Heywire winner from Great Southern’s story: Every year, we go to Gnowangerup to tidy the graves of our ancestors - ABC Heywire


Aged between 16 – 22? Got a story to share? The ABC Heywire competition wants to hear from you. Heywire is a lived experience storytelling competition for young people living in regional, rural and remote Australia. For more than 20 years, we’ve been championing the bravery and vulnerability it takes to tell your story, your way.


The things that might seem every day to you are epic to us. We’ve seen the impact sharing stories has on communities and the country; that’s why we want to hear yours.

So tell us what life’s like living in your part of the world; or tell us what you care about; or what you’re frustrated by. You can share your story in writing, by recording some audio, shooting video or taking some photos; as long as it’s a true story about some aspect of your life living regionally. 

Our competition closes on September 1 this year and until then, we’re on the hunt for stories about your epic, everyday lives. You could win a once in a lifetime chance to be heard on the issues that matter to you, a chance to work with ABC Producers and an all-expenses paid trip to the ABC Heywire Regional Youth Innovation Summit next year.


For more information and to enter now, here’s the link: