From the Principal

Reflections from Term One

As Term One comes to a close, it provides our community the opportunity to reflect on what has been an exciting and fun-filled period in the life of our school.


Students have engaged in every aspect of GSG and have continued to grow as they come to know who they are and their place in the world.


This term, I have been struck by the sheer number of educative opportunities afforded to our young people. Camps, expeditions, swimming carnivals, Great Southern Griffins Sport Clubs, Jazz camp, Mojo's gig, Da Vinci Decathlon, Perth universities tour, SCUBA diving, Wild Space walks, Fish Traps learning experiences, sustainability unit of inquiry, student leadership induction, P&F Colour Run and much, much more. 


Central to our school's missions is the pursuit of academic rigour and continual learner growth. This has remained a constant throughout the term with many students making progress toward their learning goals and improving their achievement.


As a school, we have much to be thankful for, and despite GSG's relatively small size, opportunities provided to our students, in and out of the classroom are reflective of a large metro school in Perth.


As a community, we now enter the time of Easter. A time of reflection, forgiveness, thankfulness and hope as we remember the ultimate sacrifice for humanity; the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.


I share with you a prayer from our Easter Service read by School Captain, Maddie Warren:


Our Father in heaven, thank you for your love for our world, and your love for each and every one of us. 


You are a God of compassion, truth, justice and love. We pray for the people around the world who are suffering with illnesses, wars and natural disasters. We pray that they will feel close to you during this time and that you will supply them with all their needs. 


Jesus, may we spend this Easter reflecting on how great your love is for us and the sacrifice it was to die for us on the cross so that our sins may be forgiven. Thank you that your tomb is empty and that you are alive. 


I pray that as we go away for the holidays that you will keep everyone safe and healthy and we will come back next term having had an enjoyable and refreshing break. 


In Jesus name. Amen



Lake King Boarding Meet-up & Sundowner

Next term we are continuing our regional roadshow and are looking forward to catching up with boarding families from around Lake King and surrounds.


Please feel free to share the invitation to attend with family and friends.













Mr Mathew Irving | Principal