R.E. News

Please remember that everyone is warmly invited to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of St Mark's Church this weekend at the 6.00 p.m. Mass on Saturday night followed by supper in the hall.
Once a year St Mark's raises money for the Dingley "Make a Difference" Charity. Every year we ask the children to wear "Crazy socks" one day and bring a gold coin donation. That day is Tuesday 30th April!
So we ask all children to come in their normal school uniform but wear some crazy, fun, colourful socks and bring a gold coin donation. At 10.00a.m. we will have a short assembly with the Mayor of Kingston who supports the great work of the Make a Difference charity.
Religious Education Dates for 2024
- Wednesday 22nd May - Sacrament of Reconciliation - 6pm
- Wednesday 5th June - Confirmation Information Night - 6pm
- Saturday 15th June - Confirmation Commitment Mass - 6pm
- Friday 14th June- Confirmation Reflection Day
- Thursday 22nd August - Confirmation Reconciliation service - 11:40am
- Bishop visit - Thursday 15th August at 2pm
- Saturday 24th August - Sacrament of Confirmation – 1pm and 3pm
- Thursday 31st July - First Eucharist Parent/Child Information Night at 6pm
- Saturday 10th August – First Eucharist Commitment Mass – 6pm
- Wednesday 23rd October - Eucharist Reflection Day
- Thursday 24th October - Reconciliation at 11:40am and practise
- Saturday 26th October - Sacrament of First Eucharist mass at 6pm
- Sunday 27th October - Sacrament of First Eucharist mass at 9:30am
Whole School Mass/Events
- Wednesday 24th April - St Mark’s Feast Day mass at 2:25pm and activities all day
- Friday 17th May - Family Week mass at 2:25pm and activities during the day
- Friday 31st May - Reconciliation Week liturgy and activities
- Friday 28th June - Naidoc Week assembly (1pm)
- Thursday 15th August - Feast of the Assumption Mass at 9am
- Friday 25th October - St Francis Blessing of the animals service from 9am to 9:15am
- Monday 11th November - Remembrance Day service at 10:55am
- Thursday 12th December - Year 6 Graduation at 6pm
- Friday 13th December - End of School Mass at 9am
50th Anniversary celebration activities
- Photo of whole school - Wednesday 22nd May 9.30 a.m.
Junior Information Nights
- Preps in Pyjamas – Wednesday 15th May at 6pm
- Year 1/2 Good Shepherd Night – Wednesday 7th August (6pm)
Children’s Liturgy
Wonderful news! The reintroduction of Children's Liturgy at St Mark's Church sounds like a great opportunity for the young members of the community to engage with the gospel in a way that is accessible and meaningful to them. It will be at every Sunday 9:30am mass. At the start of mass the Children’s Liturgy adult leader will take the primary school age children into the hall for a small lesson and activity about the gospel of the day. Parents are welcome to join the session if they would like. If any parents would be interested in volunteering to help with the Sunday sessions, please email Andrew Davies - andrew@smdingley.catholic.edu.au
Gospel Reflection by Dianne Bergant CSA
Today we reflect on the way salvation brings an ecclesial community into being. This community is joined to Jesus as branches are part of the vine. It is a multi-faceted community, devoted to good works and to prayer.
The image of the vine and the branches is an intimate characterisation of the community of believers who share the same divine life. This community thrives on Christ’s resurrected life that surges through all of its members. The early church was a multi-ethnic community. It included inhabitants from Jerusalem, Judea, Galilee, Samaria and even Damascus. Some of these people were firmly rooted in Jewish customs, others were more Greek in their culture. It was the fulfilment of the promises made so often in the past, that the saving power of God would reach the whole world.
Our own ecclesial community of believers is also multi-ethnic. Where formerly parishes or liturgical assemblies might be made up of people of only one ethnic identity or economic status, today there is much greater diversity and rapid change of character. Like the early Christians, we too are often suspicious of newcomers. In the face of all of this variety, we are called to open our hearts to the various manifestations of God’s power and to fashion a community that gives glory to God. Today’s readings remind us that we demonstrate our love for God and for each other in the way we live. Joined to Christ as branches are part of the vine, we too are enlivened and thereby bear fruit in abundance.
Project Compassion Boxes
If you have a Project Compassion box at home with money in it could you please return it to the office by Wednesday 24th April. +
Thank you
ANZAC DAY Reflection
Gracious and loving God,
the cross of Christ is the sign of your desire for justice and peace for all.
Open our minds to your vision as we remember all who suffered through Australia and New Zealand’s involvement in wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations.
Grant all servicepersons who sacrificed health and life for the good of all, the gift of your deep peace.
May we who inherit the freedom for which they fought become instruments of your peace in our homes, workplaces and world.
We ask this prayer through Christ our Lord.