Wellbeing Matters

RU OK Day – Thursday 14th September
RU OK Day is a National Day of Action. A day when we remind Australians that every day is the day to ask ‘are you ok?” It is a day to speak widely, openly and honestly about how we are really feeling. Whilst we place an emphasis on this day to ask this question, we need to remind ourselves that the day is just like any other – make it a priority to check in with friends, family, colleagues and loved ones on ANY day.
By taking the time for an RU OK? conversation and genuinely listening with an open mind, we can all help the people in our world to feel safe and connected.
On Thursday 14th September, everyone in the Athol Road Community is invited to wear a splash of yellow on. This could be a headband, hair tie, ribbon, glasses, hat, scarf, etc.. in recognition of RU OK? Day. Students will be talking about what this day means and participating in classroom activities related to RU OK? Day.