Learning Space News

Year 5/6
Students have been learning about poetry, using a range of modelled texts to explore the structure of different types of poems. They learnt about raps, ballads, limericks and blackout poetry.
Students developed their understanding of recount texts, particularly the identifying its specific language features.
Students have learnt about multiplication and division strategies to assist them to solve problems efficiently. They also explored the concepts of location and transformation, particularly the Cartesian coordinate system.
Nancy Liu’s Outstanding Talk - written by Julia P.
On 22nd August, 5/6 students at Athol Road PS walked to the Springvale library to attend a workshop by Nancy Liu, the amazing author of the book ‘Mr. Otter’s Adventure’.
As we left school, we got into partners and started our exciting journey! I talked and talked with my friends, and soon we arrived. It felt like only 2 seconds! We arrived at approximately 9:45am, and we were way, way, way too early! Some people played in the playground, basketball court, and more.
At 10:30am, we went inside and started the workshop. Nancy told us about her background, inspiration, and other important information about her wonderful book. She also taught us how to draw one of her illustrations in her book ‘Mr. Otter’s Adventure’. It was difficult using crayons, but everyone's artwork turned out absolutely amazing!
Towards the end of the workshop, we went to explore the library; people with a library card got to borrow some books. The library had an extreme glow up, as it had been recently renovated. My personal favourite spot was the area where you can sit and play games, like Dominos and Jenga.
In conclusion, everyone had a blast and Nancy Liu did a spectacular job teaching us how to draw Mr Otter. We look forward to visiting the library outside of school time to borrow some books!
Here is an example of one of the students' drawings and some photos from the excursion.
Mini Boss Incursion - written by Delita, Sarah and Jenivieve
On the Friday afternoon before we went home, we had to make groups of 5 for an unknown mystery activity.
On Monday we were all wondering what was going to happen. When we got to school, we found out that we had an incursion!
We were introduced to a group of people running the incursion called 'Mini Boss'. We played a game in which we had to decide if the news headlines were true or false. They were outrageous, but it turned out that they were all true. We were shocked!
We were then told that that we had to make a fake news report about a topic that we were given. We had to research, plan out and practice a new report that was going to be recorded live. We started talking in groups about what our news story was going to be, based on our topics.
After recess, we had a script to write. Everyone had a different topic to write their report about. Some people made props for the video. We had to quickly write them before lunch because after lunch we would start recording. Our groups all decided who was going to be the anchor, the reporter and who was going to be interviewed.
As soon as lunch was over, we practised the routine that we would go on when it started recording. It took a very long time and we had to be very quiet when it started. Everyone went on and off until everyone was done. The people from Mini Boss gave us feedback about our performances and they also gave people shout outs.
After all this it was very fun and we enjoyed doing this very much!