A Reflection on WMM23

Hannah Reid

It’s been a few years since I have attended a Winter Magic Market; last year I was interstate and for two years prior, we were all in lockdown. I had forgotten just how warm and fuzzy the market makes me feel! 


There is something special about our market. I know I am biased about our school, but the atmosphere and community connection that is celebrated each year is quite unique - as are we. I suppose then, it should not be so surprising to see the number of alumni returning each year yet me and many other staff members were in awe of the young adults we saw returning on Saturday - offering to turn a sausage, perform on stage, donate an art work or take off their shoes and enjoy a moment to play again. Our alumni have nothing on our current students, though! Your kids really know how to have a good time: dancing superstars (disco and flash mob) with faces painted (from fairy floss and toffee apples), arms glittered and hair feathered, we saw smiles wild and mild but had no injuries or major concerns raised - well done everyone! Though I might have to have words with some students whom I think had been secretly wishing for rain to bolster their inflatables experience…


We persisted despite the rain and didn’t let it put a damper on our spirits. Nothing was going to bring us down on Saturday - I didn’t mind even losing many of my art auction bids! I have some ideas on how to improve my auction-bidding form for next year. We don’t have the total amount we raised worked out just yet but will have that final number out to our community soon. We know it was a profitable market both in terms of school funding and cheer with good crowds maintained throughout the day! Watch out for information from our School Council on how our locally raised funds will be spent.


To put on a party like this takes a team! Thank you to everyone who donated their time, talent, connections, marquees, toys, books, baking, money and more. Without each and every one of you putting in your part, our community could not gather, reunite and celebrate this place that has brought us all together. A few of us have compared step counts and I must say I’m glad to have done those extra steps on Saturday - I was lucky enough to purchase one of the delicious cherry tarts from the cake stall so I’ll be walking it off all week.


We would like to say a special thanks to some community members who took their volunteering to the next level this year through their involvement: Kelly Davis, Tash Colangelo, Dan Sheehan, Denis Phelan, Jane Eckett, Sam Everton, Tara Gooding, Laxmi Adhikari, Simon Wake, Naomi Wake, Sophie Sexton-Bruce Peter Sexton-Bruce, Debbie Wood, Brigid Dolan, Amelia Christo, Jess Borger, Libby Harper, David Campbell, Breege Gilmartin, Niall Cunningham, Kris Bidenko, Naarah Lagowski, Larissa Fry, Peter Heilman, Joh Fairley, Chelsea Clarke, Katie Scholtes-O’Brien, Kerri Besley, Sarah Purcell, Stacey Roberts, Bek Tankard, Jesse Hughes and Kate McCormack. Most of you don’t get to see them, but our office administration team works hard behind closed doors for the whole market, so thank you to Audrie, Danni and Mayii for your quiet but essential input. And a very special thank you needs to go to Ange Hopkins, who has spent the past few weeks as our WMM Coordinator at the same time as performing her usual Business Manager role. Thank you for your organisation of all the moving parts, Ange! Your dedication to our school’s financial needs is well beyond anyone’s expectations and your ability to accommodate new needs (such as telecasting the Matilda’s game) was greatly appreciated by all.


The Matilda’s match brought a nail-biting new dimension to our market this year. Every year we see a natural evolution, I wonder what we will see next year? If you are interested in being part of our Winter Magic Market team, you can let us know by emailing our Community Events Team via email (cet@brunswicknwps.vic.edu.au) or speaking with Brigid Dolan or Anne Treasure. You can also speak with our School Council President Helen Metzger (Helen.metzger@education.vic.gov.au) or by contacting the office.


Long story short: Saturday was a major bucket-filling day. Thank you to everyone who came along: our students, staff and families (past, present and future), our community and friends - we hope you all had a wonderful time and can’t wait for next year!