Mission and Religious Education

Jacquelene Cronin

Assistant Principal - Mission

Mission and Religious Education



Sister Petra

Sister Petra who has worked in the Barraba Parish for the last 8 years and visited our school a few times passed away on Sunday after an illness.  The Sisters of St Joseph are an important part of the educational history of our school and of St Joseph’s Barraba. We appreciate the work of Sister Petra and she will be greatly missed. Eternal rest grant unto her O' Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace.


Whole School Masses

Today Friday 8 September our students in Year 2/3 led our whole school Mass celebration. The theme for their Mass was ‘The Nativity of Mary’ or the birth of Mary the Mother of Jesus, which we celebrate across the world each year on this date. It was a joyous celebration and all of the students participated with reverence and confidence, altar serving, reading, taking up the offertory. Congratulations Mr Beaumont and Year 2/3 and thank you to Father McHugh for a lovely Mass.


Please join us for our next whole school Mass which will be our Grandparents' Day Mass on Friday 22 September at 9.30am. Everyone is welcome as we celebrate and pray for grandparents everywhere before heading back to school for the rest of the day’s festivities. Please note that all classes will be involved in this Mass and the Mass to be led by our Kindergarten students has been rescheduled for Term 4.


St Michael’s Day 

St Michael the Patron Saint of our school, actually isn’t a Saint but an Archangel. He is the leader of the Archangels and his name comes from the Hebrew and translates to “who is like God” or “gift from God.” St Michael is the protector of all those who love God and like St Michael we strive to reflect the love of God in the world today. St Michael is the Patron Saint of Grocers, Soldiers, Doctors, Mariners, Paratroopers and Police. The Feast Day of St Michael along with the other Archangels Gabriel and Raphael is on Friday 29 September and again this year, falls in the school holidays. 


We Wish Everyone a Happy Saint Michael’s Day on Friday 29 September

And Say A Big Thankyou to Everyone Who Works to Keep Us Safe


Living Well, Learning Well - Pastoral Care and Wellbeing 


Fathers' Day Breakfast and Superhero Day

Friday 1 September was our Fathers' Day Breakfast and Superhero Day to celebrate the important roles our dads have in our lives and to raise money for Bear Cottage. We were blessed with a beautiful day and had a wonderful morning with our dads, granddads and other father figures. St Michael’s School staff cooked up a storm of delicious bacon, sausages and eggs to make the fresh breakfast rolls. The children then entertained everyone with their singing, poetry and acting skills. Afterwards everyone was invited to visit the classrooms to see the amazing work our staff and students have been doing in class. 


With students, staff and a number of Dads dressed as their favourite superhero the day was made to feel even more festive. All money raised is going to Westmead’s Bear Cottage dedicated for caring for children with life-limiting conditions. A big thank you to everyone for all of your support.

Legends of the Light Shine and Our Mini Vinnies / Catholic Earthcare Work

Our Legends of the Light Shine focus for Weeks 9 and 10 of this term is ‘Stewardship’ to connect with The Season of Creation 2023 which commenced on September 1 and concludes on October 4. This year’s theme is ‘Let Justice and Peace Flow’ as we pray and work together to look after our world and minimise the impact that pollution is having on our beautiful world. We will celebrate the Season of Creation in our Legends of the Light Shine Groups next Friday.


The Season of Creation is also a great time to stop and reflect on the great work we are doing as a school community to answer Pope Francis’ call to action in Laudato Si’ to hear both the Cry of the Earth and the Cry of the Poor as we care for our common home through integral ecology, which incorporates both social and environmental ecological actions. Our Good Shepherd Garden area is looking amazing and is a popular place during lunch and recess for students to connect spiritually, socially and environmentally. Families who are interested in becoming a Catholic Earthcare Household can access more information on the Caritas Australia Catholic Earthcare Website. As a school we are currently working on our website to promote and celebrate all of the inspiring work that we are doing around integral ecology.

Caring for our fruit trees
The lizards have returned to the playground
Caring for our fruit trees
The lizards have returned to the playground

Thank you Misty and Erika

A big thank you to Misty and Erika Shepherd who have donated some native shrubs for our Good Shepherd Garden area. They will be a great addition to our Happy Habitats Project, where the shrubs we have planted previously and the birdbath and lizard water bowl have been great additions attracting our native birds and lizards. Misty is also going to help us develop the area around the bird bath and labyrinth.


From School TV


Understanding the growing challenges related to mental health among young people is an important consideration. Anxiety, depression and self-harm –– are all causes for concern. Factors like academic pressure, social media, family dynamics, and societal expectations, are contributing to these issues. It's therefore crucial for parents and caregivers to take action early, remove the stigma around discussing mental health, and offer accessible support to address these issues and the wellbeing of their children. R U OK? contributes to suicide prevention year round by urging people to invest time in personal relationships and empowering informal support networks to identify signs of distress. We urge all families to take part, emphasising the value of genuine human relationships and reminding everyone to ask the important question, “Are you OK?” Engaging in R U OK? Day activities goes beyond the classroom; it's a commitment to our students' overall development. By talking openly about mental health, schools create safe spaces where students feel understood, valued, and supported. As parents and caregivers, you can contribute by fostering open conversations, normalising feelings and breaking down mental health stigmas. Participating in R U OK? Day promotes compassion and shows our dedication to the wellbeing of the entire school community, reaffirming that together, we can truly make a difference. This Special Report provides guidance on how to talk to your child about mental health and engage in meaningful discussions. We hope you take a moment to reflect on the information offered, and as always, we welcome your feedback. If this raises any concerns for you, a loved one or the wellbeing of your child, please consider seeking medical or professional help. Here is the link to your special report https://stmichaelsmanilla.catholic.schooltv.me/wellbeing_news/special-report-r-u-ok-day

“Let Your Light Shine” support others to let their light shine and remember “We Shine Brighter Together”

Jacquelene Cronin

Assistant Principal - Mission