School Awards

Attendance, Student of the Week, Specialist, School Values Awards

Each week we celebrate the amazing achievements and successes of our students. These awards are an acknowledgement of their hard work, resilience and determination to do the very best they can!

The below students will receive their awards during next week's assembly.

Assembly will be held on a Thursday morning at 9am in the amphitheatre (weather permitting) or the BER gymnasium.

Attendance Awards

Attendance at school is pivotal to creating ongoing positive learning behaviours. Engaging in school every day provides the very best opportunity for a child's holistic development - social, physical, intellectual, cultural and emotional growth. The graph below represents all student absences.

Congratulations to Dream Team - 3B14who will be receiving the 'Attendance Award' for having the highest attendance percentage for Term 3 Week 7

Student of the Week

Term 3 Week 7


Congratulations to the following students who have received a 'Student of the Week' award. 

StudentHome GroupAwarded for
OmerBrainy Bees - FJ10Working super hard on writing independently. Omer has shown excellent persistence and resilience when attempting to write a sentence, and remembers to include a capital letter, finger spaces and a full stop. Keep up the great work Omer!
AlexanderConfident Crew - 1R6Showing persistence during Big Write this week and producing a fantastic story with the correct use of capital letters and full stops.
AlexisPowerful Pride - 1J7Writing her Big Write all by herself with no assistance from an adult. She used her knowledge and skills to write the words by giving it her best try.
ManalPersistent Pod - 2P11Showing dedication, resilience and pride towards every task she completes. I am incredibly proud of your accomplishments.
TobyHard Working Hive - 2B12Showing persistence when completing his learning. Toby has shown a can-do attitude to his work and completed it to the best of his ability.
MercedezDream Team - 3B14Her outstanding effort in math. Thank you for helping others to understand the 'Lattice' method of multiplication. Well done, Mercedez!
Haley Creative Crew - 3T16Being a great friend to her peers, by always offering help. Haley has consistently demonstrated our school value of Relationships. Thank you Hayley for being a great friend!
NikaLearning League - 4R13Working hard to developing her skills in multiplication, resulting in outstanding growth.
TerenceTalented Team - 4C15Taking 'Responsibility' of his learning and always making helpful choices for himself and others around him. Terence is always so kind and polite to all around him, constantly building positive 'Relationships.' Keep it up Terence!!
DeanThe Dream Believers - 5/6W20Showing resilience in maths class when learning how to do long division. Keep up the great work!


Specialist Awards

Congratulations to the following students and classes who have received a 'Specialist' award. 


Winston - Dream Team - 3B14

For excellent design skills on his Father's Day badge. Congratulations!


Frankie - Persistent Pod - 2P11

For the effort and dedication you put into Performing Arts. Frankie, I have seen some wonderful growth in your attitude towards our Performing Arts sessions. You come ready to learn with a positive attitude and a spark of energy. You are a productive member of your team and show amazing skills in the art of Drama. Keep up the impressive work!


TheirCare Award

Congratulations to the following student who have received a 'TheirCare' award.


Harriet -Talented Team - 4C15

Harriet you have been such a fantastic student leader. You always do the right thing without being asked. You go out of your way to help others, and you are such a joy to have around. We are very lucky to have you as part of our little TheirCare family.