Improvement Team Reports

Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Improvement Team

The Curriculum, Assessment & Reporting Improvement team have been working on several initiatives aimed at enhancing the educational experience of our students, staff, and the entire Keysborough College community. Our team has been immersed in finalising the curriculum offerings for the upcoming 2024 academic year ensuring that all College handbooks accurately represent the comprehensive range of subject choices available to our students across the different year levels. The College strives to provide diverse learning opportunities that cater to the unique pathway choices of our student body and we believe that a well-rounded curriculum is essential in nurturing the talents and interests of each individual student.

Recently the College received an important announcement from the Victorian Curriculum Assessment Authority (VCAA) that postponed the implementation of the new Mathematics curriculum 2.0 to align it with all other subject areas. This change is intended to ensure a cohesive transition for our students and teachers and will now take place in 2025.

We understand the significance of this decision and would like to reassure our community that this extended timeline is beneficial. It allows our dedicated teachers the time they need to continue auditing the current curriculum rigorously. Which will allow us to ensure that the required curriculum changes align seamlessly with the learning outcomes, pedagogical strategies, and assessment practices that are essential for student success. Our priority remains providing the highest quality education to our students, and this adjustment will allow us to do so effectively.

Our team would also like to encourage all families to connect with Compass, the College’s comprehensive online portal. By logging into Compass, you can access detailed information about your child's academic progress for each subject, as well as feedback from their teachers on how to support their learning.

The College endeavours to foster open communication between parents, students, and teachers, ultimately leading to better support for our students' growth and development. Compass offers an ideal platform to view your child's semester reports, progress reports and attendance and is an invaluable resource that allows you to stay actively involved in your child's educational journey.

The Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Improvement team remains committed to fostering a learning environment where every student can thrive. Please feel free to contact the College if you have any questions or would like further information on any of the initiatives mentioned in this newsletter.


Melissa Williams

Curriculum, Assessment & Reporting Improvement Team Leader

Junior School Assistant Principal – Banksia Campus