Prep Update
Prep A-Miss Hope Prep B-Miss Papa Prep C-Ms Lloyd Prep D-Mrs Herres Prep E-Ms Rhimes
Prep Update
Prep A-Miss Hope Prep B-Miss Papa Prep C-Ms Lloyd Prep D-Mrs Herres Prep E-Ms Rhimes
During our last week of Term 3, Prep students undertook learning in the following areas:
Reading | Week 10: We reviewed our learnt sounds and diagraphs for this term. We read a range of stories and sequenced the events in order. |
Writing | Week 10: We made our own version of 'Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?' We focused on including finger spaces and punctuation in our writing. |
Maths | Week 10: We continued to practice range of counting strategies, including counting forwards/backward/on. |
| Week 10: We reflected on our Australian animal unit, including new learnings and information. |
Social and Emotional | Week 10: We engaged in 'R U OK day' activities, including what it means to be a good friend and how we can check in on others. |