Year 6 City Camp

Wednesday 6 - Friday 8 December 


Year 6 Camp is an important part of the curriculum for students in their final year of primary school. It is also a celebration of each child's personal and academic growth over the year. 

Students will be involved in a number of different activities around Melbourne's CBD involving teamwork, getting along, cooperation and lots of fun!

Urban City camp is located in Melbourne CBD near Parkville. It opened in 1987 and since then the facilities have been improved and extended over the years.

Confirmation of camp activities will be provided closer to the date.

Some activities may include: MCG and Australian Sports Museum, Go Climb, Old Melbourne Gaol, Melbourne Zoo and Queen Victoria Market.



You can choose to pay on a payment plan through Compass.


Casual free dress (packing list to be provided closer to the camp)

Students will be required to bring a packed lunch for the first day only, a named water bottle and a school hat to be used for the duration of the camp. 



Hired Coach to and from Hillsmeade Primary School and Urban Camp.

Public transport around Melbourne CBD. 


Students not attending will be expected to attend school.