Deputy Principal

 The Lion King School Musical


Disney The Lion King School Musical - Monday 9 October, 2023 @ 7pm



Please click on the link below to purchase more tickets if you so wish


Tickets are $25 + Trybooking ticket processing fees


Whole School Rehearsals

All classes will participate in a whole school rehearsal on Tuesday 12 September in the Hall for the full day. Costumes are not necessary on this day. Please note that normal school times apply. All children can wear their Sport Uniform. 


There will also be a whole school rehearsal on Tuesday 3 October. Students must wear their black top and black leggings/pants on this day. They can wear their runners and bring a jumper if needed.


On Monday 9 October, all students and staff will travel to The Besen Centre for a whole school rehearsal of Disney The Lion King Jr. All classes will depart Sacred Heart at 8:45am and return to school at the following times:

  • 12:30pm (Prep-Year 2)
  • 2:45pm (Year 3-6)

Students need to wear their Sport Uniform (costumes are not necessary) and bring a small backpack with their drink bottle, snack and lunch. Please note that Prep-2 students will eat their lunch at school.


A reminder to complete the Operoo form that was sent last week.


Costume Requirements

ALL students, including the main cast require the following items to be worn on the night of the musical:

  • plain black, long sleeved t-shirt
  • plain black leggings/pants

Please note all clothing items should be plain. This means no logos, no graphics, and no patterns unless otherwise specified. These plain black items can be purchased from K-mart.


Links to clothing: (Boys can also choose to wear the black leggings)


Girls options


Boys options



Other important information


Arrival procedures

Students need to arrive at The Besen Centre by 5:45pm.

A staff member will be situated in the car park to direct students to the side door stage entrance.

A staff member will greet the students at the stage door entrance and direct them to the backstage room to get their name ticked off. No parents are permitted to enter backstage.


Dismissal procedures 

Students will be dismissed in sibling and non-sibling groups. 

Non-siblings will exit through the same door they entered earlier.

Siblings will exit through a door on the left of the stage. 

To avoid congestion, please send one parent/guardian to collect your child/ren and ensure they are marked off the list by the staff member at the exits.

Clarification of dismissal procedures will be clearer on the night.


What to bring on the night

Students need to bring a backpack with a drink bottle only.  A small snack will be supplied, consisting of:

2x Arnotts biscuits (Nice and Scotch Finger)

1x small packet of chips (either Twisties, Doritos corn chips, Smiths plain or salt and vinegar). Please inform the classroom teacher if you do not wish for your child to have these snacks.


Photo and Video Permission

For this unique event, we seek permission to use your child's photograph on a cast board in the foyer of the Besen Centre. All Prep-6 children will appear on a board. The foyer will be decorated on the day of the production and the photos will be removed at the end of the night. 


We also seek permission for photos of Year 3-6 children to appear in the production program booklet which will be distributed via QR code on the night. Prep-2 children will only have their name appear in the production program booklet.


Please note that if you decline for your child's photo to appear in the foyer and production program booklet, only their name will appear.


As was previously shared with families, our School Musical will be recorded by SMC (School Memories Captured).


We also seek permission for your child to be filmed. The majority of the recording will be shot in wide screen, meaning, no close ups. A link to further information is provided below, with instructions on how to pay the $25 for the recorded streaming or click on the website link and use the code.


The school code is SHS2023


We would greatly appreciate your permission for your child(ren) to be photographed and filmed for the above purposes. Please complete the permission form that was sent via Operoo.


Tuesday 10 October

A late start on Tuesday 10 October is optional for families with the school day officially commencing at 10am for all. 

Please note that students can still be dropped off at the normal time of 8:30am (St John's Pde and Kiss and Drop will operate). Staff will supervise these students in the MPR. 

St John's Pde and Kiss and Drop will operate from 9:45am for those students commencing later.


Costume Washing - HELP needed

As ALL our costumes have been hired from another school, before they are returned, it is necessary for ALL these items to be washed. There are stringent requirements for the washing process and we would GREATLY appreciate parent help with this task. 


If you can help with this please contact Danielle Gerecke at 


Costumes can be picked up on Tuesday 10 October (at the end of the school day), and it would be fabulous if these washed items could be returned by Monday 16 October. 


Our sincere thanks in advance for your help. 


Kind Regards,


Danielle Gerecke


Deputy Principal