Student of The Week Awards 

Congratulations to all our SOTW Award Recipients!

Monday 4 September, 2023 - for Week 8


Student Name

For Demonstrating

Award Details




Hayley Overell

Teamwork and Bravery

Congratulations to Hayley for displaying outstanding teamwork and bravery during the concert. Hayley did an excellent job at dancing and singing on stage with enthusiasm and confidence. She was a great leader and team member for her peers also dancing on stage.


Isla Thomas


Isla gave an outstanding performance during her Grade 1 dance performance. She showed commitment and dedication when learning her routine and her positivity and enthusiasm encouraged those around her. Well done Isla – you’re a real star!


Harry Williams


Harry demonstrated perseverance when learning the Year One concert dance. He enthusiastically danced throughout all our practices and his positivity was evident. Harry encouraged his peers and was a supportive friend, helping those around him. What wonderful skills to use in all areas of your life. Well done Harry!


Joshua Lim 


Josh has shown great perseverance and resilience this week during concert rehearsals! He has demonstrated his commitment to 2H’s performance and shows excellent spirit when performing. We can’t wait to see Josh perform on the night. He should be very proud of himself!


Jack Anthony


Jack did an incredible job in the 2023 School Concert, Lights Up! He was confident during the Grade 2 number and was respectful and organised throughout the day. What a wonderful example of showmanship! Congratulations Jack! 



Team Work

Congratulations to all 3B students for displaying wonderful teamwork and cooperation throughout all our practises and during the concert. Your friendship and thoughtfulness resulted in an outstanding performance of our concert item.



Jakeirah Holliday


Jakeirah demonstrated great commitment to the ‘Lights Up’ concert. She was dedicated each rehearsal and showed wonderful enthusiasm to learning the dance. Jakeirah exhibited great courage and bravery when performing her impressive back walkover and splits in the special part of the performance. The audience were all blown away by your skills!  Well done Jakeirah!


Tiana Schiffner

A Love of Learning

Tiana is to be praised for her passion for learning and her remarkable focus on practising her mathematical skills. Her hard work in mastering her times tables has not gone unnoticed. Tiana’s enthusiasm for mathematics has not only elevated her own understanding but also served as an inspiration to her peers. Well done Tiana!



Max Taylor

Enthusiasm & Kindness

Max is such a pleasure to have in 5L and an extremely valued member of our class. He consistently shows kindness to all and embraces all school activities with enthusiasm. He particularly shone during our concert, dancing his heart out and making everyone laugh during his acting scene. Max was especially helpful to the teachers during rehearsals, remembering all the dance moves when we forgot!


Aiobhe Boland

Bravery/A love of learning

What a phenomenal first term you have had at Black Rock Primary School! You have truly settled well into our school community and the way you have avidly engaged in all aspects of your learning is to be commended. From classroom learning, to the House Athletics Day, to the school concert, you have shown excellent effort and dedication to always doing your best. Well done Aiobhe, you should truly be proud of yourself! 



Laura Thompson


Laura has shown tremendous dedication and enthusiasm throughout our concert practice sessions. She can always be relied upon to remember all the moves and perform them with great energy, leading the way for the rest of her classmates. Keep up the great work, Laura!


Charlie Murphy


Charlie showed fantastic effort and enthusiasm in all of the track and field events during the House Athletics Carnival. His love for sport and competitive spirit shone through, achieving several placing results, keep up the brilliant effort, Charlie!


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