Diary Dates

Friday 16th
- National Day of Action - Bullying No Way Day
- Year 3-6 Waranga Athletics at Kyabram P-12 College
Monday 19th
- Production Week
- Children's Book Week (17th-23rd)
- Celebrating the ‘Our Common Home’ Project - F-4 students to attend
- Year 5/6 Junior Park Rangers
- Sacramental Group Meeting at 6.30pm
Wednesday 21st
- Playgroup at 9.15am
- Year 3/4 excursion to Kyabram Library
- Year 7/8 Junior Park Rangers
Thursday 22nd
- Year 5/6 and Year 9 Liturgy at 9.15am
- Frozen JR Matinee at 11am- Year 1/2 attending
- College Production 'Frozen JR' at 6.30pm
Friday 23rd
- Children's Book Week Character Parade at 9.10am
- Unit 2 Food Studies excursion to Simplot
- White Card training course
- College Production 'Frozen JR' at 6.30pm
Saturday 24th
- Sacramental Group - Presentation of Creed at 6pm
Sunday 25th
- Sacramental Group - Presentation of Creed at 8.30am
Monday 26th
- Student Free Day
- Subject Teacher Conversations
- Sacramental Group Meeting at 6.30pm
Tuesday 27th
- Whole College St Augustine's Feast Day Mass at 11.30am
- Cupcake Day
- Family Picnic Lunch at 12.54pm
- 2025 College Captain Applicant Speeches
Wednesday 28th
- St Augustine's Feast Day
- Playgroup at 9.15am
- Year 7/8 Junior Park Rangers
- Legacy Luncheon - Kyabram Club
Thursday 29th
- Beaut Blokes Breakfast and F-4 Classroom visits from 7.45am
- Footy Colours Day
Friday 30th
- Father's Day Stall
- Year 7-12 Athletics Carnival at Northern Oval
Parish Mass Times