From Kylie Morrissey

Deputy Principal - Catholic Identity and Community

Student Leadership and our Vinnies Winter Appeal 

One of the great privileges of the role Deputy Principal: Catholic Identity and Community is working alongside our team of enthusiastic Student Leaders and watching them grow as individuals, rise to meet challenges and discover their strengths over the course of a year. In recent weeks our 2024 Student Leadership Team have participated in a Vinnies Incursion so that they can work as a team to drive our annual Sock it to the Can Winter Appeal. In previous years, our donations have been measured by TA/Classroom groups, but this year the Student Leadership Team advocated for change. For every item donated to their ‘House Trolley’ a point will be earned by that House. Our Winter Appeal will conclude on Monday 9 September. The House Trolleys have commenced making their way around to TA spaces this week to receive donations of non-perishable food items and winter woollies that are greatly needed by locals doing it tough. Please give generously, if you can.


Student Leadership Positions for 2025

It’s such an exciting time of year to be already receiving applications for our 2025 Student Leadership Team. If your child is currently in Year 3, 7 or 11 please encourage them to consider applying for one of the many roles available.  Applications close on Wednesday 21 August. The Information Package has been made available to students via email and on SIMON since early August. Students who wish to apply, need to be signed in to their School Google Account to access the Nomination Form. Our aspiring College Captains will deliver their speech at the conclusion of our Feast of St Augustine Mass at 11.30am on Tuesday 27 August. You are most welcome to attend! Thank you to our wonderful Community and Wellbeing Leaders and sensational staff who have been supporting and encouraging students to apply already!



So Many Community Events!

Term 3 is a wonderful term full of opportunities for parents and caregivers to be on-site at our College and experiencing our learning and faith community in person. Please keep an eye on the communication that comes to you via Operoo as the key source of information so that you don’t miss out on these opportunities.


Kylie Morrissey

Deputy Principal

Catholic Identity & Community

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