9-12 Community News

As we come to the end of the week, it’s hard to believe that we are halfway through Term 3. It has been a very busy few weeks and the remainder of this term is ‘jam-packed’ with opportunities for students and many events on the College Calendar.
In the classroom, students have been working hard and committing themselves to achieve their best. Here is a small sample of some of the activities taking place.
Taking the Olympics as their inspiration, the Unit 3/4 PE classes have been testing their vertical leap while investigating the function and mechanisms of the muscles.
And, in the Science labs, the Unit 3/4 Biology class conducted a Mastrings prac to test the most effective antibiotics for different types of bacteria. This testing enables the students to test and measure the effectiveness of antibiotics in combating bacteria.
Continuing the scientific theme, this week has seen students from across the College engaged in a range of Science Week activities provided by the staff in the Science faculty.
This year’s theme was “Species Survival” and activities included Science quizzes, an Endangered Species Scavenger Hunt, Physics, Chemistry and Environmental Science activities, rocket launches and, a popular favourite, the opportunity to get up close with some of our native reptiles.
This week also saw staff and students recognising the ‘Bullying No Way’ National Week of Action, with lots of activities focusing on promoting belonging as a way to discourage bullying. The week culminated in a whole College activity led by our student House Leaders.
There are also many activities and opportunities that are on-going or coming up in the following weeks.
The College Production of Frozen Jnr will be performed next week, with several members of the 9-12 Community- Sarah M, Guneet B and Lily M- in leading roles. Good luck to all involved.
On August 30, we look forward to the 7-12 students taking further inspiration from the Olympics, in attempting to run, jump and throw faster, higher and stronger (further), as they compete for their House in the 7-12 Athletics. We are sure you will represent yourself and your House well on this day.
Current Year 10 students had the opportunity to attend an information session to find out about the University of Melbourne’s Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars Program. This program is open to students from all Victorian schools, offering access to exclusive University of Melbourne events and academic enrichment activities for two years. Current Year 10 students who are considering applying for tertiary study, at any university, are invited to apply for this prestigious program.
Once again, students across the College have been very active in supporting St Vincent’s “Sock It To the Can” initiative. We strongly encourage all members of our 9-12 Community to contribute to this worthwhile cause by donating non-perishable food items, and socks and other winter apparel, to those in need. Thank you to all the students and families who have already contributed to this year's campaign. Donations will be collected until September 9.
On 27 August, the College will celebrate St Augustine’s Feast Day with a College Mass. At the end of the mass, we will have the opportunity to hear speeches from our current Year 11 students who are nominating for the role of 2025 College Captain.
This year, Footy Colours Day and our Beaut Blokes Breakfast will be held on 29 August. We encourage all of our 9-12 Community to don the colours of your favourite team on the day.
The 9-12 Formal will be held in the Brigidine Centre on 11 September. Students should book their tickets through https://www.trybooking.com/CTWYS
Finally, we look forward to seeing many parents and students attend our Subject Teacher Conversations day to be held on Monday 26 August. This is a great opportunity to meet staff and have a conversation about your child/ren's academic progress and work habits as we head toward the end of another busy term.
Michelle Downie Brad Downie
9-12 Community Leader 9-12 Community Leader
Wellbeing and Community Student Learning and Professional Practice