Assistant Principal's Message

It has been wonderful to be welcomed back by all the students and families last week. So many students stopped me to ask about my trip and it’s highlights which demonstrates a sincere interest in listening to others and commitment to developing community relationships.
I arrived back to a highly successful staff professional learning day. We were fortunate to have Mark Dowley work with all our staff with the focus on classroom management and engagement. Mark is the author of the book ‘The classroom management handbook’ and currently teaches at Brighton Grammar. Mark led the staff through a range of practical and thought provoking classroom management. This session was followed by a review of our social and emotional curriculum and how we continue to embed highly effective practices across the school.
Last week 65 eager students from years 2-5 undertook the English ICAS assessments. All students who participated were well prepared, showed persistence and tried their personal best. This week students have participated in the Science assessment and next week we will conclude with the Mathematics assessment.
In Our Classrooms…
It is always a pleasure to get back into the classrooms to see students and teachers in their element. Being away for 6 weeks allowed me to step back and see the growth in the learning for our students. I was impressed by the prep cohort writing about their 100 days of school celebration. Students are writing in full sentences, using punctuation and applying their knowledge of sounds to help them spell words. I was also amazed at some of the persuasive writing from some year 1 students who have come to share their work. Today our year 6 students showed immense leadership through being able to remain focused during instructional time and support peers to remain engaged.
Suada Dzaferovic
Assistant Principal